Are you interested in the end of the world? Will the world end tomorrow, or in a month, maybe in December 2024, or is there still time to live, enjoy the benefits of civilization? This question really worries many people from all walks of life. Ordinary locksmiths and saleswomen are thinking about the end of the world, scientists, as well as stars of show business and politics. Each person thinks in his own way and to the extent of his spiritual development.
Let's try to figure out whether there will actually be the end of the world in December 2024? It is not long left, and if there is a chance of the end of the world, it means that it is not long left and we urgently need to prepare for the end of the world, complete business, and….
Here, in fact, the question is, why prepare for it? What is the foundation of belief in the end of the world? On the prophecies that say that then or then there will be natural disasters for earthly or cosmic reasons, which will lead to the cessation of life on earth - the so-called end of the world. Do you believe these prophecies? If you do not believe, then you will not read this text, but if you do, it means that you are worried about the end of the world, and you have a little faith in the prophecies and the end of the world in December 2024.
Let's remember these prophecies, they say that all or almost all will perish. What is there to prepare for? Let's say the end of the world has come, so what? Natural disasters, and death, the end of earthly life, - and no cans of stew, warm clothes and air mattresses will not help here. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the end of the world differently.
I will reveal a secret, or rather the truth, the end of the world will definitely be, it will definitely be, I know this without any prophecies. Moreover, he is very close and every day he comes into the lives of many, many people. Perhaps very soon, maybe even in December 2024, the end of the world will knock on your door. When this happens, all stocks of stew and dried fruits will be useless.
The end of the world is inevitable, and it will surely come into the life of every person. Your death is your personal end of the world. Believe me, you do not need to have the gift of clairvoyance to say with a probability of 100% - there is not much left ....
If you are now 18 years old, everything seems to be ahead, you still have a huge life full of interesting events and discoveries, but this is not so. Rather, everything is possible, and it is quite likely that you will be able to live 100 years, do a lot of useful things and be in time for everything. Perhaps, but only life flies by quickly. Recently you were 18 years old, and then you look, you are already over 50 years old, and your strength is not the same, and somewhere on the threshold it is - your death. It stands and waits for its hour, and when that hour comes, then your personal end of the world will come. He will definitely be!
Maybe you will meet your personal end of the world in old age, near the fireplace, surrounded by a loving family. Or maybe he will come very suddenly and very soon. Probably even December 21, 2024, by an unfortunate coincidence. Let's remember that every day people die on the roads of Russia, every day someone suddenly dies from elementary heart failure, although before that the heart worked like a Swiss clock ...
Nobody, not a single person on earth can say with certainty, I will live to see the new year 2024. As they say - If you want to make God laugh, tell Him about your plans….
So, each of us lives very close to the end of the world, and each sunrise may be the last. Therefore, it is actually necessary to prepare for the end of the world, it is already on the doorstep and is knocking on the door. Once he will open it, then it will be time to die ... How to prepare for your death? To live as if every day is the last, to rejoice at the opportunity to live, only each of us will understand this to the extent of his spiritual development.
With regards to prophecies, publications in the media and statements of scientists about the end of the world, all this is nothing more than informational rubbish.Most journalists are mediocre and lazy, it is difficult for them to collect information and make really useful news, so they grab any opportunity like the end of the world, within which you can say and invent anything you want.
Now you all know, the end of the world will definitely be in the life of every person, use this knowledge to make your life better, right now.
Paintings of the artist Vladimir Matyukhin and his version of the end of the world.
Why do you need such a publication on a fashionable website? Almost every day I am asked the question - how do you feel about the end of the world? Representatives of various religious organizations call the intercom and offer to familiarize themselves with the literature telling how to prepare for the end of the world. The first and second time, I do not spare my time, I explain everything I know about the end of the world, but people ask this question over and over again. And it should be noted that many of the questioners are very serious, respectable people!
Then, in order not to repeat myself in the future, but to say it once for everyone, I am publishing this article. When someone asks me - what do you think about the end of the world? I'll give you a link….