Fashion women clothes

The Push up jeans model is popular in the current season

Jeans have been in fashion for many years. The models change a little, decorative elements are added, but we still remain faithful to the jeans.

Many models of jeans are popular today, including push up jeans.

jeans push up models

The Push up model came to us from Brazil from the Salsa brand.

Salsa jeans

She has a special cut that allows you to highlight the hips, show their roundness. How is this achieved? Simple with extra spandex and double horizontal stitching on the hips and back pockets. Moreover, the pockets must be of the correct shape. The model is very popular, and now many well-known brands interpret it in their autumn and winter collections. For example, Freddy and Levi’s, and two models appeared in the Benetton collection: Pin Up Lift and Pin Up Shape.

Benetton fashion jeans photo

Benetton pin up lift

bright jeans push up

Some brands have focused on bright colors. For example, Uniglo has created a collection of brightly colored corduroy trousers and jeans with a high spandex content.

The imagination of designers knows no boundaries. Jeans have been with us for many years, but they are not going to give up their positions and lose popularity.

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