Most people are unhappy with their figure, but there are a lot of reasons that hinder bringing it to its best shape - there is no time for a fitness club, there is not enough strength after work, it is a pity for money for a subscription and much more. As a result, the years go by, and people come to terms with their situation and do not change anything, justifying this by the fact that they also have to work, take care of children and do a lot of other things.
In fact, fitness is not a hindrance, but rather serious support, and in this publication I will share my personal experience - how to do fitness at home.
I have the opportunity to visit any fitness club, it was done before. Even in my youth, I had a period when I wanted to have an ideal figure. Then I visited the gym, where my fellow athletes-brothers were training. The gym was not as comfortable as it is today, but it had all the necessary exercise equipment, and most importantly, I had the opportunity to use the gym at any time convenient to me for free. For one period I went 3 times a week, then I began to attend every day, except Sunday, but after a few months I gave up training and did not return to fitness for a long time. Why? I had the opportunity to do fitness for free ...
The fact is that going to the gym takes a lot of time. We need to get together, get to the place. Even if it is on the next street, it will still take 15 minutes to get there, 15 minutes back. After training, you need to take a shower, in winter, at least dry your hair a little with a hairdryer and many other little things that take up a lot of time. In total, going to the gym can take 3-4 hours of clean time! 3-4 hours is a lot. And people who work can not always afford such a luxury. What to do?
Most come to the conclusion that regular fitness activities are the lot of athletes and those who have a lot of free time. This is exactly how I live in my life - complete freedom, I completely manage my time, but, despite this, I treat it very carefully and choose fitness classes at home. In addition to saving time, doing fitness at home is free and protects us from some contagion. Yes - contagions, because a fitness club is visited by a lot of people, and in fact, a fitness club in biological terms resembles public transport or a toilet, where the most likely is to get the flu in autumn or winter. Using the public shower of the fitness club, you can get sick not only with the flu.
Fitness at home is almost one plus! It will be difficult only for the first time, you will have to force yourself, overcome laziness and practice through force, because people do not really appreciate what they get for free and is at arm's length. Having bought a subscription to a fitness club, there is a certain obligation to use it, because the money has been paid, but at home ...
When I started practicing, for the first two months everything was difficult, and then it became easier. Now I can't imagine starting the day without doing fitness.
How do I do - what is the routine
I do fitness every day - 2 times a day, regardless of the day of the week. Waking up in the morning at 6-55, I go to the bathroom, then open the windows and make a draft, walk from one end of the apartment to the other. And at 7-10 I start fitness classes. I have my own set of exercises, compiled on the basis of experiments, taking into account which parts of the body are most important for me to load. From sports equipment I have only two types of dumbbells. At one time I wanted to buy a multifunctional strength center, but then I came to the conclusion that my classes give enough load to keep my figure at its best. I have no goal, to have huge muscles, I do not want a relief chiseled figure.
In general, the meaning of the relief chiseled figure is small, so to speak, the end does not justify the means at all. To maintain a large volume of muscles or a chiseled figure, many conditions must be observed - certain nutrition, you will have to work out using many simulators, under the supervision of an experienced trainer. And so from day to day, from year to year - all my life. The question is, why so much effort? Maybe for someone a large volume of muscles gives confidence and increases self-esteem, but for me it is enough to have a charge of vivacity, an elastic body and a suitable waist size. To achieve my home fitness desires with two pairs of dumbbells is enough.
Having started classes at 7-10, already at 7-50 or 7-55 the workout ends, I go to the shower, then breakfast, and I can immediately get down to business. 40-45 minutes of clean time, no fees, no movement around the city, no downtime in traffic jams, unnecessary dressing, undressing and changing clothes. In addition, at home I have the opportunity to practice with a minimum of clothing, and for some exercises, for example for stretching, this is very significant.
Having done a 40-45 minute set of exercises, I get a boost of energy for the whole day and the next time I start classes before dinner. Immediately before eating, I do fitness again at home, about 20-25 minutes. In total, my classes are 1 hour every day, which is more than those who work out in the gym for 1.5 hours 3 times a week. At the same time, I do not spend money on a gym, my fitness is absolutely free and saves a lot of time.
Everything is so simple and profitable! I remind you once again - it's only hard for the first time, a month, or two, well, maybe three. Then classes go not to a burden, but to joy, there is a feeling of a surge of strength and a charge of vigor, it takes less time to sleep. And most importantly, where it all began - the reflection in the mirror will delight you more and more, including the reflection without clothes. Of course, all this will not happen in one day, it will take six months, or maybe even a year of regular classes, but this year will pass in any case, regardless of whether you do fitness or instead begin to consume another pizza or portion of dumplings.