Zhang Zilin - model and Miss World 2007

Initially, it was not planned to make an encyclopedia from, but gradually we gathered a lot of material - biographies of most successful models and much more. True, there were no Chinese models, but nothing, today we will fill this gap, and Zhang Zilin will be the first model of Chinese origin. The first, but not the last, because China is a great country that is actively developing and at the same time, more and more successful models of Chinese women appear in the fashion world who look like real princesses.

Chinese beauty queen photo

Zhang Zilin is a Chinese woman who won the Miss World title for the first time.

The winner of a prestigious beauty contest "Miss World" Chinese Zhang Zilin became in 2007. Prior to that, in 2005, she also became the winner of the All-China Beauty Contest.

Miss World 2007 Zhang Zilin photo

Zhang Zilin comes from an intelligent family, her mother is a professor at the China Agricultural University.

Miss World 2007 Zhang Zilin photo

Zhang Zilin was born on March 22, 1984 in Hebei Province.

Zhang Zilin, Chinese model - photo

Zhang Zilin - height 186 cm, volumes, 87-62-89

Zhang Zilin, Chinese model - photo

Zhang Zilin herself also received a good education. She graduated from Beijing Science and Technology University. At the university, she was especially good at mathematics and English.

As fellow students of "Miss World 2007" noted more than once. even after winning the competition, the girl remained modest and friendly, however, Zhang Zilin always knew how to get along with people.

Zhang Zilin, photographic portrait

Zhang Zilin and her photo - portraits and full length

Zhang Zilin, photographic portrait
Zhang Zilin, photographic portrait
Zhang Zilin, photo of a model in growth
Zhang Zilin, photo

Today the girl works as a secretary, but she also does not leave the modeling business.

She also has experience in cinema, as an actress Zhang Zilin acted in the film "Loser Knight 2 / Ying Han 2".

photo of Zhang Zilin in a dress
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