Today, in some circles, having a mobile phone - the Apple iPhone - is literally a must. And if you don't have a phone like that, you don't fit into the community and look kind of weird. We will not analyze today who these people are, and what prompts them to buy an Apple iPhone, we will consider something else, why the Apple iPhone is so good and whether it is as necessary as it is presented to us.
As a result, many of us rushed to buy a coveted smartphone, the possession of which seemed to literally join the circle of the elite and give a piece of happiness. And besides, the Apple iPhone has a huge list of features. Only if you think seriously - do you use many of these opportunities? Do you install a lot of applications? Is the amount of money increasing from using an Apple iPhone? Is the job getting better?
When I got my first Apple iPhone, there was the very beginning. Then such a gadget was new and seemed like a real miracle of technology. Built-in camera, diary, e-book, browser for browsing my favorite sites, and everything was hidden in a bag or even in a big pocket!
Having used the smartphone for a short time, the euphoria passed and then a sober vision of reality opened up - the thing is beautiful, fashionable, one might even say glamorous, but really useless. Camera of questionable quality, and although sometimes good quality images are obtained, the result is not guaranteed, most of the images are worthless. The diary is not as convenient as a paper notebook, since in my case some connection between thoughts, hand and paper is lost. And watching movies clips and sites on the Internet is generally a disappointment, everything is so small and often sites look so clumsy and inconvenient that surfing is not a pleasure. Unless just go to a social network and send a short message to a friend, or see the weather. Calling on it is not at all more convenient than on another phone, many of which are far superior to the Apple iPhone in terms of design beauty.
It took only a couple of weeks, I got bored with the Apple iPhone, there was nothing special in it, the promised capabilities did not satisfy me at all, and as a result it came out as a good birthday present for one person for whom this toy was of greater importance.
As time passed, I do not regret my decision at all, and now I am using a different phone. And the behavior of others is surprising, are people really so zombified with advertising? Each release of a new version of Apple iPhone, fans of technology meet in queues and are ready to give almost the entire monthly salary for the purchase of this toy. The funny thing is that today the acquisition of Apple iPhone does not provide any opportunity to join something sublime - elite and inaccessible to the masses. Now Apple iPhones are assembled in China, assembled in huge quantities, and walking by the school, you can often see a pimply teenager playing another toy downloaded from the application store on the Apple iPhone.
You want to wear a coat or jacket that will be used by thousands and thousands of other people. And there is a desire to buy a bag that has been so replicated and so flooded the market with fakes that every high school student or student of a vocational school goes to class with a similar bag? No, you don’t want to?
Strange, but why do adults and very intelligent people buy this Apple iPhone with puppy delight, because this smartphone is just such an accessory - it is available to everyone and everything, it is actively made and sold on every corner.