If you look into history, you will notice that wigs are coming into fashion, sometimes they are coming out. In some periods, wigs acquired completely unusual shapes and sizes, bringing a lot of worries and inconveniences to their owners.
Today's fashion is completely different, we are happy people, since we can choose clothes, accessories and wigs from a wide variety of styles, combine at our discretion and create the desired image.
True, wigs are not at all in fashion today, but I do not want to suggest that you purchase ordinary wigs. The idea is as follows - to knit a woolen hat in the image and likeness of a hairstyle. Such a knitted hat can simultaneously act as a hat and a wig.
For an example, check out these wonderful works by Louise Walker, an English student. She is 22 years old and she became interested in knitting quite recently, but despite this, she gets high-quality knitted hats - wigs.