I wanted to conduct a study, figure out who lives today on popular women's forums, whether it is possible to spend time there with benefit, find answers to questions about fashion, beauty and just pleasant communication.
After devoting two part-time working days to reading forums, I can see that the age of forums is a thing of the past. Today, social media pages, collective groups and communities rule the ball.
And this is not surprising - on social networks, our personal pages, which for many are already very strongly associated with the continuation of themselves. On social networks, our real friends, girlfriends, relatives and friends. Therefore, trusting the social network with our new travel photos, our thoughts in the form of statuses, we seem to expand the horizons of our nature.
In fact, today the Internet is no longer just a repository of information, and a place where hackers live. The Internet is a continuation of reality, and the page on the social network is our Avatar on the Internet.
For more creative girls, personal blogs can be a great solution. When a girl writes on a blog, she knows - this is her personal space, perhaps, a reserve for the future, such as a portfolio. Depending on the industry, you might want to show your blog to potential employers or business partners, and a blog can have a significant impact in shaping your image in their eyes. Therefore, maintaining a personal blog is useful for self-development, and at the same time can be beneficial financially.
And what is the use of participating in women's forums? Women's forum about fashion, beauty, relationships ... it is a stranger, and most likely it will never be yours. All thoughts, photos that you trust the forum belong to the forum and its owner, not you. And most importantly, all your texts and photographs, after a short time, will be buried under many other records.
If you have a page on a social network, or a personal blog, you have probably given the address to real friends more than once. The forum is different, you will not link to discussion pages unless participating in the forum is your job.
In conclusion, I want to say that there are still serious commercial forums where you can get advice, find out answers to questions, and if you are a professional in the topic, you can find clients and earn money. True, there are very few such forums. Most of the women's forums about fashion and beauty are not. By spending time on forums, you are simply developing someone else's resource, receiving in return the dubious pleasure of communicating with virtual characters, who are often not at all who they say they are. Therefore, if your time is dear to you, leave the forum and start a personal blog, or at least a community on a social network. It will be yours personally.
If you are attached to the forum, remember - communication on the forum is akin to alcoholism, it is addictive. And female alcoholism, as you know, is poorly treated ...