We are looking for benefits during a crisis
I was able to do some shopping recently at very competitive prices, but I will not keep it secret. wishes to share its own experience. I warn you right away, these are not discount services and various coupons, everything is much more interesting and profitable.
Treggings and Jeggings
Everyone knows leggings. And what are treggins and jeggings? Treggins from the English word "treggins" are all the same leggings, but ...
Leo Tolstoy sweatshirt
The sweatshirt is a kind of oversized sports sweater with or without long sleeves with a zipper. Its name comes not from the density and thickness of the material, but from the name of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
Brogue shoes for men and women
Women are gradually borrowing accessories and clothing from the men's wardrobe, soon there will be no purely men's clothing and shoes, because many women ...
Duffle coat - history of creation
The history of the duffle coat coat is usually counted from the time of the First World War, when every English sailor walked about in this coat.
Plastic is in fashion in spring and summer 2024
There were periods in fashion when plastic settled in the collections of famous brands. In recent years, various types of plastics have taken the form of clothing and accessories again.
Books by Alexander Vasiliev
Recently, people read less and less books, and some predict in the near future the disappearance of printed books and bookstores, because everything is on the Internet and can be uploaded to e-books if desired. I believe and hope that
Viscose - the origin and properties of the fabric
Viscose is an artificial fiber obtained on the basis of cellulose subjected to successive action of alkali and acetic acid. The name comes from the Latin word ...
Who creates fashion collections
Recently, we all hear more and more often about collections created by various celebrities, bloggers and even little girls. Is it so easy to create a fashion collection? Why then study for years? Let's see who really is
Sleepers - what to wear
Sleepers are the shoes of many people. How good it is sometimes to forget about high heels and still look elegant. Some people think that against the background of graceful ballet flats, sleepers are somewhat rude. However, let's see ...
Modern style in clothes
In the early 90s of the XIX century, a new style emerged - modern, which expressed interest in various historical styles: Empire, Gothic and Eastern cultures.
Varieties of velvet has already talked about the involvement of velvet in aristocratic fabrics. Now let's talk about its types.
Sport and healthy lifestyle in fashion
Sports and a healthy lifestyle are in fashion, they have been talking about this for many years, and naturally sport takes more and more place in the collections of fashion brands. But let's be honest, sports and a healthy lifestyle are in fashion purely theoretically - in words.
Luxurious alpaca wool
Many thousands of years ago, alpaca artiodactyls were tamed by the inhabitants of the South American Andes. The ancient Incas were able to appreciate the wool of these animals for its unique properties and noble color. Thousands of years have passed, but alpaca wool is still
Luxury mohair
A mohair sweater paired with an exquisite silk dress or sequinned skirt will give you an undoubtedly luxurious look. These sweaters can be used in evening wear.
Expensive sweaters or a custom sweater?
Some glossy magazines literally convince their readers to buy sweaters and blouses for 20-40 thousand rubles and even more. wants to find out how much the purchase of an expensive sweater is justified.
International activities of Belarus Fashion Week
In November 2024, the ninth spring-summer season of the international cultural project Belarus Fashion Week ended. As in previous seasons, the event brought together many fashion figures, designers and journalists from different countries.
Velvet - royal fabric
Velvet was a symbol of prosperity, continuity, admiration. Its name comes from the German word Barchent. The first to appreciate the beauty of velvet were the inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula, then the French nobility, followed by the British and Russians.


