
Islamic women and their clothes

We have more than once published materials on traditional clothing in Islam - hijab and burqa, and today we offer interesting infographics for viewing. It clearly shows the differences between different types of clothing for Islamic women - hijab, veil, veil ...

hijab, chador, burqa, photo

I hope you find this information useful. And I also want to note that you should not be afraid of the Islamic religion and religions in general. Despite the statements of some intelligent people who say that a civilized, conscious person does not need God, this is not so. A person cannot live a truly full meaningful life if he is deprived of faith in God.

Islamic women

Material wealth, wealth and power, creativity and entertainment, make our life bright and interesting, but all of them at some point become boring. Don't believe me? I am familiar with the state when you really do not know what to wish for. Every day from time to time you think, can you buy something, or go somewhere? Or maybe some fun? Only the feeling is created that all this has already happened, and buying new things brings fleeting joy and the very next day you want something new, while you cannot always give yourself an answer - why, why ...

Islamic women
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