Most people do not know how to make money and do not know how to spend it. When they receive a salary, they buy the essentials and all sorts of nonsense, spend on primitive entertainment and after a couple of weeks are left without money. This applies not only to Russians, but also to residents of other countries.
People watch advertisements, including those hidden on TV, on the Internet, and buy all kinds of unnecessary nonsense. It is not surprising that then many people agree with the ideas of rational consumption and minimalism and strive to cleanse their home of unnecessary things. They manage this easily, because they almost did not have good and necessary things, they filled their life and home with all sorts of rubbish.
If you do all your purchases deliberately, then even with incomes slightly above average, you very soon notice that you absolutely have everything and you do not know what else to buy! For many, my idea will seem incredible, but we live in a well-fed time. Now any working person can easily provide himself not only with everything necessary, but even with luxury goods in 2-3 years of hard work.
Of course, you can constantly increase your needs, and with the growth of income, increase your expenses even more, but this is the path of unreasonable people who follow the lead of marketers and bankers who want to make us want something new all the time. In this case, there will always be a feeling of dissatisfaction, and life will turn into a grueling race for the most "successful" consumer leaders.
It is much better to buy only useful beautiful things, to travel exclusively to where you really want, and not for the sake of a tick, in order to tell everyone that I went to South Africa and Tahiti.
Buying beautiful quality items for several years, you will soon notice that they last a very long time. Even if you stop buying shoes, bags and many more now things and accessories, you already have enough, almost for a lifetime, and maybe there will be granddaughters!
Don't believe me? Try to make all your purchases deliberately, buy the best, be frugal and be guided by the principle - "Rich is not the one who has a lot of money, but who has enough." When you begin to live by these principles, very soon you will find that everything has already been bought, except for a yacht, an airplane, a palace in Europe, and then you can find real happiness!