
Favorite job and financial - economic crisis

Over the past two decades, there have been many crises in Russia and, on the whole, our people are very stable and patient. But in any case, the coming difficulties do not please anyone, especially if you notice a real decline in living standards.

What to do if you see that in modern realities your work does not bring enough money?

Most will say - look for another job or a new business in order to have more income. In general, everything is correct, but not always, because we work not only for the sake of money, some work at the same time for the sake of money and for pleasure. This is possible only at your favorite job. It follows from this that if you are concerned about your income and are thinking about changing your career, then you worked solely for money and do not know what your favorite job is.

Favorite job and crisis

In the 90s in Russia, many people left their jobs, positions and specialties due to low incomes. They undertook to create a business, some of them succeeded financially. But at the same time, the majority worked exclusively for the sake of money, and now we see many very wealthy people who, at the same time, are completely dissatisfied with life.

This is not surprising, they work day after day for the sake of money, thinking that it is in them that success lies. In fact, money quickly ceases to be fun. People are rushing about, looking for something to do with themselves, to entertain - to fill the spiritual emptiness. As a result, they come up with crazy hobbies, someone relieves stress through alcohol and going to the sauna with different partners. Only all these entertainments bring short-term pleasure at the initial stage, and then you want something new, and you think and do not know what exactly you want.

The category of these people can be called - losers with money.


Therefore, it is not worth working for the sake of money, because work occupies almost a large part of our life, it is simply obliged to bring joy and pleasure. A financial difficulties they are a temporary phenomenon, no crisis lasts forever, growth will follow.

You just need to gather strength and go through a difficult period, and your favorite work will help you make it as easy as possible.

But then, after the crisis, specialists and companies that did not change their line of business and did not disappear, an unprecedented rise awaits, because most of their competitors gave up and dropped out of the game.

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