
How to dispose of money in a crisis?

Our ruble continues to fall, food prices are growing, while the incomes of the majority are at a standstill, we are experiencing a crisis again. Although this is nothing new, and if we recall recent history and compare the current situation with the end of 1998, and thus the beginning of the 1990s, the current crisis is not so severe. It's just that in recent years, people have become accustomed to a better life, and therefore many painfully perceive the decline in living standards.

Only today will not philosophize and give advice on how to improve your mood. Today we will think about how to dispose of money, if you have enough of it.

How to manage money in a crisis

One of the options
I have several regular sources of income, and thanks to this, expenses such as grocery shopping, utility bills, and other running expenses add up to about 10-15% of my monthly income. Therefore, there remains a sufficient amount of money and one must think about where to spend or invest it, because leaving it idle is the most unreasonable decision in a crisis.

1. Make repairs. During the crisis, many good craftsmen need money, building materials have not yet risen in price much. Calculate what kind of repairs you can afford, and if a little is not enough, borrow money, but without interest or with minimal interest. The most important thing is that you can repay the debt in 3-5 months, maximum six months.

2. Buy large household appliances. Perhaps you have long dreamed of buying a coffee machine for 2-3 thousand euros, and did not dare to part with the money. Now is the most opportune moment - many shops have not yet raised prices for expensive goods, and you can make good purchases. Change the refrigerator, buy the most expensive washing machine. New things are always a pleasure, and the most expensive and high-quality ones are a double pleasure.

3. Furniture. Take a look around your home, you probably want to replace some furniture, or buy in addition. Buying furniture is a very smart decision, because new furniture is a renewal of our life and, most importantly, it is a long-term purchase that will delight for many years. Buy the most expensive bedroom set you can afford. Or upholstered furniture. When choosing upholstered furniture, remember that it can be of any color, but it should always be made of high quality leather.

7 ideas - how to manage money in a crisis

Leather upholstered furniture, finished with natural wood, can serve for many years and will remain for your descendants.

4. Professional SLR camera. It's not too late to go looking for a reasonably priced DSLR.

5. Perhaps you've dreamed of a pair of new python leather bags, or wanted but hesitated to buy expensive Chanel sunglasses. Do not refuse to buy, but make your wish come true, especially since sunglasses in the fall can be purchased at a very favorable price.

6. If the repair has already been done, the furniture is new and household appliances do not need updating, but take your clothes and accessories calmly, buy silverware, forks, spoons, a coffee pot, or maybe a whole silver set in enamels.

7. Start actively collecting bronze figurines, dolls, vintage jewelry, watches, medals, coins. During the crisis, many are forced to sell their collections, with the help of which they thought to save money. But the truth of life is that collectibles should be bought during a crisis and sold during periods of economic growth.

This does not apply to particularly valuable items, but you will not have money for them anyway. And I also want to add - you can buy collectibles only if you know at least a little about the topic. Therefore, this option is available to those who have been collecting some kind of collection for more than one year.

collectibles does not offer travel, despite the fact that all the magazines around are promoting has a more practical outlook on life. The trip brings only an impression, which has already faded in a month, and in a year there will be no trace of it, only pictures on the social network. Things such as furniture, household appliances will last for many years and will delight you every day, and not 10-14 days, how long the journey lasts. Therefore, in a crisis, you need to spend money on real things, and not on dubious impressions.

Why does advise against buying a car? Let's wait, soon many will find themselves in such a position that they will be forced to sell their two-year-old car for half the price, on credit, in order to pay off debts and somehow continue to exist.

If you bought everything, but the money remained, or you simply do not see the need to buy the above items, put your money in the bank by choosing a deposit with the most favorable interest rates. Only when choosing a bank, familiarize yourself with the rating of banks and give preference to the largest and most reliable ones. Many banks simply will not survive this crisis.

You can also start a new business or invest as much as possible in an existing one. During the crisis, many businesses will disappear, which means that the strongest and most resilient will occupy a large part of the market, and after the crisis they will dominate in their spheres of activity. The main thing is to be able to calculate your margin of safety and not forget that the strongest prosper ...

How to manage money in a crisis
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