Until recently, it was more profitable to make most purchases in foreign online stores, or at online auctions, but in the light of recent events, the situation is changing. Some wardrobe items can be bought at the same prices in stores in your city.
In recent months, the ruble has depreciated against the dollar and the euro, but most stores selling in Russia are in no hurry to raise prices. The purchasing activity of the population is already low, and besides, the goods are delivered at the old rates. Some stores have long-term contracts in rubles.
Only in any case, stores will not be able to keep prices at the same level. Most likely, in December, and maybe in January-February 2024, prices in clothing, electronics and household appliances stores will start to rise. So now is the time to hurry up to shop.
The most important thing is to buy the things you really need. Perhaps you need to buy household and kitchen appliances, or maybe you want to replenish your wardrobe with several belts and bags. Go through all stores, read reviews and compare prices online. When you finally decide, you can safely spend all the money.
In any case, keeping cash in a wallet or safe during a crisis is the most unreasonable thing that can be done with money. Therefore, you can even borrow money, but a little and without interest. Plan your loans in such a way that you can repay the debt in 2-3 months.
Now it is most profitable to buy large household appliances, goods for the kitchen, because these things in any case will have to be bought in your city, this is not a bag that can be ordered in any online store. In addition, take a closer look at imported furniture, it will also rise in price.