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On-line trade and Russian legislation

Recently, many malls and individual stores have been losing customers and just visitors. It happens that you go into a huge shopping center and walk the floors almost alone, meeting only rare visitors. Naturally, this negatively affects the owners of shops and malls.

The reasons for this phenomenon are the massive exodus of buyers on the Internet and purchases while traveling, because on the Internet and in some countries you can buy things much cheaper than in Russian stores.

However, in the near future, the benefits will decrease. As we already wrote, the Russian authorities are going to take control of international parcels traveling from abroad to Russia and collect as many duties as possible from buyers. This will make purchases in foreign online stores less profitable.

Online shopping

And the authorities also intend to control not only parcels with goods purchased in foreign online stores, but also the entire on-line trade in general. According to some government officials, the budget is annually missing tens of billions of rubles in tax and customs payments due to "gray schemes" in the e-commerce sector!

In general, everything is clear, there is not enough money in the budget, and the authorities will by all means seize this money from businesses and ordinary citizens. If this money were spent wisely - on the development of the state and improving the quality of our life, one could put up with these innovations, but we all know perfectly well how ineptly budget money is spent, so this news only causes displeasure.

Online stores in Russia have just begun their formation, and they are going to be strangled by various taxes, not taking into account that Internet commerce in Russia has a lot of difficulties. The disgusting work of the Russian Post and bad roads have ruined the business endeavors of many entrepreneurs who want to trade on the Internet, and the new rules will deal a blow to those who survived this struggle.

Only the Russians are accustomed to not waiting for favors from the state - our task is to take them from it. Therefore, people do not respect the laws, look for various gray schemes to minimize taxes, and in general, in every way they seek to deceive the state and their neighbors.

Online shopping
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