
Where is the best place to shop on the Internet?

Until recently, Russians bought more and more in online stores, but in the very near future everything will change. The Russian authorities have paid attention to internet commerce and are planning to make life difficult for ordinary customers.

The issue of tightening control over parcels from foreign online stores seems to have been resolved. The proposal to "streamline Internet commerce" was supported by President Vladimir Putin. In 2024, 7 million parcels were imported to Russia, and the total value of goods is estimated at 2.8 billion euros. That is, it would be possible to collect 280 million euros for the budget.

Therefore, Vladimir Putin asked the Federal Assembly to make "proposals on this score." What the proposals will be and so it is clear - to impose all sorts of fees and duties on the parcels. According to the president, these revenues will accelerate the construction of affordable housing in the country, solve the problems of housing and communal services - sewerage, water supply, gas pipelines and electricity supply.

The President supported the proposal of the Federal Customs Service (FCS), which intends to impose a 10 percent tax on parcels from abroad, as well as reduce the number of duty-free parcels to one per month per person.

Where is the best place to buy things on the Internet

Now the Russians, purchasing goods by mail abroad in the amount of over 1,000 euros per month and weighing more than 31 kg, pay a 30 percent duty on the value of the goods, but not less than 4 euros per 1 kg of weight. At the same time, goods worth up to 1 thousand euros per month and weighing up to 31 kg are allowed to be imported by mail duty-free.

In addition, the rise in the cost of parcels from abroad should have a beneficial effect on the financial situation of Russian stores.

These are the plans of the Russian authorities!
Do they really think that duties on parcels will be able to solve such global problems as the construction of affordable housing and the problems of housing and communal services? This is sheer nonsense and says only one thing, there are a lot of problems in the economy due to the poor performance of the entire management apparatus and low labor productivity.

In general, as always, the solution of problems should fall on the shoulders of ordinary citizens!

Just do not be sad, you can make purchases on the auction, where private individuals act as sellers and the package from them looks like a personal shipment, and not a purchase in an online store.

Russian Post - postman Pechkin
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