
Successful people and losers - qualities and differences

In stores and online libraries, shelves are bursting with many books offering the shortest path to success and prosperity. In addition to books, there are many different trainings - on raising money, organizing time, developing leadership skills and other skills ...

In general, a lot of information on the topic - how to become a successful person. But where are these successful and happy people? Precisely happy. After all, a person can be called successful only when he enjoys life and is satisfied with his success. If he is constantly oppressed, angry and worried about something, why such success?

Let's see who is a successful person and who is a loser, what are their qualities and differences?

The generally accepted, or rather the most widespread, definition of a loser in Russia is the image of a person who has little money and various material wealth. In fact, any citizen who has reached the age of 25-30 and does not have a lot of income can be considered a loser.

Is it really? Not at all, this judgment is absolutely wrong! Money is an important part of our life, but it is not enough for happiness. I am well aware of the state when money does not bring any joy. You have a big apartment, you can buy yourself any clothes, go to any restaurant, on a trip, and an expensive car is so familiar that you don't notice it at all, just like the toilet bowl in the toilet - it performs its function and nothing more.

In addition to my experience, I have to meet many so-called successful people who really suffer in life and do not feel not only joy and happiness, but even satisfaction from their work or business, from acquisitions and achievements.

Society and all sorts of speakers like Kiyosaki tirelessly drum into the minds of people that it is necessary to make money, because it is money that is the universal measure of success. Without money you are nobody, without money you are a pitiful loser. So people are striving with all their might - to acquire money by all means, more money.

Race for success

And then, when money ceases to bring pleasure, they look for all sorts of vivid impressions and entertainment, which are often also not their own desire, but also imposed by society. As a result of the constant race, fatigue and dissatisfaction with life sets in, but you cannot stop for fear of flying out of the league of the successful and ending up in the ranks of losers.

But not everything is so bad, happiness is possible in this material world! I had to meet people who are engaged in what they love, which does not bring much income, communicate not with those who can be called successful and from whom one can benefit, but with those to whom the soul lies and they are completely satisfied with their lives.

Comparing different people, you can understand the true meaning of the word loser, and this is not at all the person who has little money. A loser is a person who has little money, who is worried for this reason, a person who is dissatisfied with his position in society. There are a lot of such people among ordinary people living from paycheck to paycheck, and among people with high incomes.

Can you get both money and happiness?

The best solution is a certain lifestyle. Life, when a person chooses a job to his liking - at the same time bringing pleasure simply from doing it, and bringing a decent income. Working or doing business solely for the sake of money is boring and does not justify itself, because work takes a significant part of our life.

In life, we must strive to choose as much as possible of what we like, what we like, then you will not worry that someone has an apartment 3 times larger, and someone has a boat longer.

Successful people and losers - qualities and differences
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