Success trainings, various motivating books and sites where authors share the principles of success and happiness come across again and again, but when you get a little familiar with their ideas and essence, it becomes clear that the authors are deprived of real happiness and sometimes do not even know what it is.
Yesterday I met one page on Vkontakte, where the author talks about the work of his business, talks about the meaning of life and the philosophy of success. He earns millions of rubles a month and in the understanding of a primitive man in the street, he has achieved a lot. But a deeper look at his life and way of thinking immediately reveals inferiority.
I will not give a link, and give the name of the author, it does not really matter. The bottom line is that his whole life is subordinated to one thing - he wants to prove to himself and to society that he is successful, he is the best, he wants to challenge and prove his success and rightness. Therefore, he thinks that everyone around also lives like this and all their actions are aimed at showing and proving. It's funny and sad at the same time.
Thus, many people live, but none of them can be called successful and happy. They are slaves to the illusory values and ideals that were formed at the dawn of human civilization and multiplied in the United States. It was the United States that made the greatest contribution to the creation of the ideology of the so-called success.
Most people cannot think independently, their thoughts proceed within the framework of standard scenarios, and therefore the whole life is completely subordinated to far-fetched values and ideals.
A happy person does not prove anything to anyone, he just does what he loves, buys beautiful clothes. His clothes may be expensive and luxurious, but he didn't buy them to impress and prove to someone else that he was successful. Happy people buy beautiful things simply because they like beauty and quality. At the same time, they may not show their acquisitions to anyone at all.
There are very few such people, because now everything is based on a demonstration. Unfortunately, the internet is multiplying this trend. Social networks have multiplied the desire of people to demonstrate their success, and if there is no success and happiness, then at least to seem happy and successful.
No one can stop this process, society will further and further plunge into dependence on the demonstration of success and thereby multiply the pressure on the psyche and spirituality of every person who is a slave to this value system. But if it is impossible to stop this process, then it is within our power to free ourselves from dependence.
Right today, you can free yourself and start living in a different way, not prove anything to anyone, but simply enjoy life, engage in self-development and not throw any challenges. Just do your best every day and don't worry about someone having a lot more accomplishments. Do not prove or demonstrate to anyone new cars, smartphones and clothes... Things should bring joy on their own, without considering the opinions of others.
Life seems long, but in reality it is long and very short at the same time. By proving your success to others, you fall into the trap of illusory values and deprive yourself of true happiness. The race for the notorious success will last a lifetime, as a result, you will never begin to live according to your own understanding, and you will die a faithful slave to the system.