Shopping and travel

This publication is not intended to reveal the secrets of shopping while traveling. Here, attention will be drawn to something else, to the growing popularity of travel, and people's dependence on fashion and public opinion.

I have many friends, although to be honest, there are not a single real one, but there are a lot of good acquaintances. At the same time, my acquaintances are people from completely different strata of the population, so it is easy for me to observe the desires and lives of people - to draw conclusions.

In recent years, many have experienced a burning passion for travel. Someone intelligently makes a route and has a very fruitful vacation - he has time to relax, shop and see the sights. Those with above average income can afford it. This approach to travel is the most correct.

Absolutely everyone wants to touch other countries. As a result, we have a mass of hungry and deprived travelers. Girls who work for average wages also strive to go somewhere a couple of times a year with all their might.

Travel has become a kind of affirming factor for people and a reason for pride. People literally collect trips, so that when they meet friends - girlfriends, they can say - You know, I was in Cuba, I was in Vietnam and many other places. Do not forget to post new photos on Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki.

Shopping and travel, photography

If you start asking such people, what have you brought besides photographs and impressions that have been erased in your mind over the past time? It turns out that the majority bring all sorts of nonsense, because there is no money for full-fledged shopping. Where did the money come from for purchases if she spent 2 monthly salaries on the trip ?!

It is a dubious pleasure to come to Italy or the UAE, while only clicking the camera, not being able to buy the thing you like.

Personally, I kindly laugh at such travelers. They try to put themselves above fashion, to show how cultural they are, that travel is more important to them - cultural development and broadening of horizons, rather than buying a new fur coat and expensive boots. Only in reality they are at the mercy of fashion, because now it is fashionable to show how intellectual, creative you are and what active life you lead.

The purchased fur coat, sheepskin coat and boots can last more than one year and every day when you put them on, you will impress the people around you, people from your city, some of whom can play an important role in your life. And travel stories today will not impress anyone, because it is publicly available.

Therefore, if you have an average salary, you do not need to save up and go to Cuba, it is better to go to Istanbul, where your income will allow you to combine travel with shopping.

Shopping and travel, photography
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