
Where to spend money on things or experiences?

In the modern world, it is difficult to have absolute confidence in the future, everything is very changeable and unpredictable, and therefore it is important to have our own financial strategy that determines how we manage money.

Ideally, money should be invested in profitable projects and assets, so that they later make a profit and increase our prosperity in the future. Only not everyone can invest, because not everyone has the experience, capabilities, and resources that Alisher Usmanov has. Therefore, we will consider the opportunities available to ordinary citizens, namely, where it is better to spend money in order to get the most out of it.

Alisher Usmanov

Buying things or experiences?

In recent years, the most advanced creative media have taught us that there is no need to buy a lot of things, there is no need to spend money on an apartment, it is better to rent it, there is no need to buy a lot of furniture and clothes, it is much better to spend money on personal development and impressions.

Buying knowledge, skills and experiences

Creative ideologues suggest instead of buying real things to spend money on foreign language courses, on a subscription to a fitness room, and of course on a variety of trips, because it is travel, restaurants, excursions that bring vivid impressions.

It is really wise to spend money on self-development, but is it necessary to buy all of the above? A lot of knowledge, skills and impressions can be obtained absolutely free!

1. Knowledge and skills. There is a persistent opinion that knowledge is best obtained in expensive educational institutions that have a high rating. In fact, there are a lot of examples of successful and smart people around who received their knowledge through self-study.

2. Impressions. Many experiences can be had without going to restaurants or traveling abroad. Instead of visiting a restaurant, try to cook interesting dishes yourself, this will broaden your horizons much more, because in order to cook a new dish, you need to familiarize yourself with someone else's experience through books, texts and videos from the Internet.

In addition to home cooking, our lives are full of ways to experience for free or for little money.

Cooking as a source of experience - pike

As for the foreign language, you can actually learn it on your own. Various courses provide an opportunity for live communication with other students and the teacher, but at the same time, the courses consume a lot of travel time and idle chatter.

Any foreign language can be learned through the Internet and good textbooks, which you can also find on the Internet absolutely free of charge. On the net you will find books, native speakers and many texts, videos and, thanks to this, you will be able to completely immerse yourself in the study. The main thing is that you really need a foreign language and be used for work or life, and not just for the notorious broadening of your horizons.

Then you can list the skills, impressions and knowledge that you can get for free. The only difficulty is with travel, you won't go far without money, especially if you are used to traveling in comfort. Only in times of crisis is it worth considering whether travel impressions are so important? Remember your travels in 2024, 2024, did they give you a lot of new knowledge? Are there many impressions left besides photographs?

Buy things or experiences

Buying real things

Most of the things thoughtfully bought can serve for many years and, accordingly, bring real benefits to our lives.

Stores offer a variety of home appliances that make our life more interesting, easier, and enjoyable.

Clothes, shoes, bags and other accessories - all these things can serve for years and now in a crisis it is very reasonable to spend money on buying new clothes and accessories, because this is a direct investment in yourself! A trip will bring impressions for a couple of weeks or a month, a visit to a restaurant for several hours, and a chic bag can delight and warm the soul for many years!

Isn't it great to spend money on renovations, improve your home and enjoy the amenities and beauty of your new home every day?

Buying a property
The shortsightedness of those who recommend renting an apartment or a house is surprising. They give arguments and calculations that the money is the same, and instead of buying an apartment with this money, you can rent it all your life.

Purely theoretically, this is exactly the case, but in practice the world is changeable, and most importantly, our life is changeable. With age, it will become more difficult to work, and the sad fate of those who live to retire in a rented apartment, wasting everything on travel, restaurants and other experiences.

Buying and owning good things is in itself a wonderful experience, knowledge and impressions that remain with us for a long time, and do not dissipate like fog from travel.

Conclusions: in an ideal life, you need to keep up with everything, buy things, make repairs in a new apartment, and fly on a trip. But few people manage to lead an ideal life, therefore they have to choose where to spend their energy, time and emotions.

Buying material values ​​and things in an unstable world is much more practical, and individuals who spend their energy and money on momentary impressions resemble a dragonfly from the fable of I. Krylov

Jumping Dragonfly
Summer sang red;
I didn't have time to look back
As winter rolls into your eyes.
Pure field has died;
There are no longer those bright days
As under each leaf of her
Both the table and the house were ready.
It's all gone: with a cold winter
Need, hunger comes;
The dragonfly no longer sings:
And who will go to mind
Sing hungry on your stomach!
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