Recently, the consciousness of people is conquering a new ideology of consumption and lifestyle. If earlier the ideology of consumption persuaded the population to buy real estate, various material goods and values, then in recent years we have been offered to abandon the supposedly unnecessary trash, get rid of things and consume various impressions.
Why are they imposing a new ideology on us?
Everything is very simple - it is more profitable for business. Producing wealth is often more difficult than selling experiences. For example, a computer game can be made once and then sold in millions of copies around the world, and in the case of on-line games, collecting money from the population becomes even easier.
Travel and various entertainment
It is enough to invest certain attitudes in the minds of the inhabitants, and people will strive to see certain sights and pay money for it. For example, the well-known Stonehenge. Millions of people strive to see this attraction, for which they spend time, cover distances and pay money. What do they get as a result? Doubtful impressions, from an incomprehensible pile of stones, many of which are of modern origin, because Stonehenge has been altered and restored. And even if this pile of stones was actually ancient, how could it make any real changes in our life?
There are many similar attractions all over the world and we are forced to pay just for the opportunity to see and take pictures! Isn't this a perfect business? It is much easier to get paid for allowing people to take pictures and get impressions than to organize production and do something tangible to sell.
Selling experiences is far more profitable for the business. It is more pleasant and profitable to consume impressions for the layman. Followers of the new ideology put their worldview above the way of thinking of their predecessors, elevating their own impressions to the rank of spirituality, thereby satisfying their pride and increasing self-esteem.
In fact, a new ideology, not at all new, is offered to us to consume in the same way, only now not material goods, but impressions, opportunities, and various experiences.
None of this applies real artthat can be seen in museums. Of course, this does not apply to real knowledge gained in universities, books and educational films. Most hunters for impressions ignore the true values, because not everyone is given to enjoy the art, it is necessary to come to this. Gaining knowledge, learning and even just reading useful books is also not so easy - it is work. And getting impressions from travel, cooking, cinema, computer games and various entertainment is much easier.
Although even with regard to knowledge, everything is not so simple. For example, it is now fashionable to study different foreign languages. Many people spend a lot of time, effort and money on learning a foreign language. If a given language will be required in life and work, bringing various benefits, everything is justified, but this is not always the case. A lot of people learn a language that is absolutely useless for them, and after a few years will be almost completely forgotten. In this case, time, effort and money was almost wasted.
Now back to the title of the post - why real things are better than impressions.
Material goods and things. Buying things and the things themselves bring impressions, only unlike the fleeting impressions of a pile of stones at Stonehenge, material goods can be preserved with us for many years. Things can accumulate, thus creating a certain amount of wealth.Is it possible to accumulate impressions? How do you imagine a person rich in impressions? Are you a regular visitor to nightclubs, restaurants and brothels rich in impressions? Maybe a traveler who has traveled all over the world is rich in impressions or a gourmet who spends a lot of money on haute cuisine?
Undoubtedly, they are rich in a certain type of impressions, only the value of these impressions tends to zero, because addicted to receiving impressions in such ways, you want to receive more and more new impressions, more and more.
With things like this, when you start buying, you want to buy more and more, and you end up with caskets full of gold, full wardrobes and sideboards.
It is different with pure impressions - by giving real money for them you do not get anything material and at a certain moment you may find yourself only with your memories, at a broken trough, reassuring yourself with such words - but there is something to remember!
It is very important to distinguish between knowledge and experience. Most travel for most people does not bring any knowledge. Visiting restaurants and nightclubs, hot air balloon flights, computer games, art films and many other entertainments also do not bring any knowledge. All this brings pleasant vivid impressions, and they should not be confused with knowledge that can be obtained every day from books and the Internet, practically free of charge.
Knowledge, in contrast to impressions, accumulates much better and turns into various material goods or other knowledge and impressions. Real knowledge, and not impressions and dubious life experience, brings a person closest to true spirituality.
Spiritual side
Spiritually, both paths are wrong, the consumption of material things and the consumption of impressions. Only the first path is more practical and justified in the material world. Real things serve not only you, but also your loved ones, material values accumulate and remain for children, grandchildren, making their life easier. Impressions disappear from this world together with the person. As a result, after such people, nothing remains, except for pages on the Internet, which, even during their lifetime, are not useful to anyone, but on the contrary, are harmful due to the fact that they seduce other people into a similar lifestyle.
The ideology of consumption of impressions is beneficial only to business. Thanks to this ideology, big business turns people into complete slaves who, while they have the strength, can work and spend most of their money on impressions. And when they can no longer work, no one needs them, they have no material wealth, they are waste biological material.
Therefore, spirituality and real knowledge should be put in the first place, then material benefits follow, and only then impressions.