Have you never traveled alone and even prefer to dine in a cafe with a girlfriend or a cheerful company? This is considered normal behavior, and most people strive to always be in society, so as not to be alone.
Loneliness scares people and even becomes part of a complex. But in fact, a truly full-fledged person feels great both in the company of acquaintances and in complete loneliness. After all, loneliness gives you a chance to stay exclusively with your thoughts, evaluate actions and achievements, think over plans for the future.
In addition to this, traveling alone opens up a lot of new things for us. I had to travel in company and on my own. Based on this, I can say that both the first and the second case have their pros and cons.
Traveling with friends and girlfriends is fun, but at the same time, immersed in communication, you often do not notice a lot of beauty and sights. The only advantage of traveling with a company is the ability to photograph each other.
The loss of new knowledge and impressions is aggravated if, in addition to communication, you periodically taste alcoholic beverages while traveling. Therefore, we need to decide for ourselves what we want to get from the trip - rest and entertainment in the company of friends or more new knowledge and impressions.
In my opinion, it is wiser to choose the latter, because acquaintances and friends will not go anywhere, you can communicate with them all year round, and while traveling it is better to focus all your attention on the sights and gaining new knowledge.
Try asking acquaintances after traveling to China in a fun company, and before that, read the stories of other travelers on the Internet. Almost certainly, your acquaintances will not be able to tell you anything new. Then why did they go? Just for show, so that later in another company they talk about their trip, thereby confirming that they lead an active lifestyle?