The life of a modern girl has changed a lot, now more and more girls decide to devote themselves to a career and creative realization. Such girls study and work a lot, while not forgetting about their appearance, style and beauty, and have time to travel. In general, they lead an active lifestyle, but at the same time, more and more girls, gaining independence, along with it, get freedom from relationships. Simply put, they have neither husband nor children.
How bad or good is that? Many books have been written on this topic, so we are not going to try to reveal the topic in this publication. Here we want to offer one of the options for how to brighten up your free minutes, being at home alone.
Getting a pet
Yes, pets, cats, cats and dogs, it is they who most often become true friends for people free from family. Only here everything is not so simple! If a girl leads an active lifestyle, almost completely devotes herself to her career, education and self-development, she will not have enough time to keep a cat, dog, or other pets.
Cats and dogs require attention, they are alive, therefore, when starting a cat, you need to understand that you need to deal with a cat for more than 5-10 minutes a day. And you also need to walk with the dog 2-3 times a day, so if you are a very busy girl, do not torment the cat, he will be sad to sit alone all day. wishes to offer you another option. There are pets that smell of the best perfumery, they are always beautiful, they never whine or meow, they always have a good mood, they are ready to wait for you all day all alone, and they will not suffer without food and water.
Are you surprised and wondering, who are these wonderful pets, from which there is no worries and does not even need to be fed?
it BJD dolls, they are unpretentious, always beautiful, because you are actively working, which means you can afford to buy expensive clothes for your favorite doll, sprinkle it with the best perfumery.
Many will say that all this is frivolous and unreasonable, dolls will not replace real live pets. There is some truth in this, but there is also truth in the fact that it makes no sense for many modern people to have pets, because with their way of life, the animal will suffer. And dolls can wait for you all day. The thing is that you have to get carried away with dolls, and then it will be interesting for you to dress up your beauty.
Why are cats so popular now? Because all over the Internet people post photos of millions of cats, looking at these funny, amazing or cute photos, we are touched and think - how good it is to have such a cat. You just need to understand right away - a live cat requires care, it has its own character and whims. The cat can mark, from it there will certainly be wool on carpets, upholstered furniture and clothes. The cat requires proper nutrition and, most importantly, attention. And then, cats age quickly, especially if they are fed incorrectly, a cat already at 7-9 years old may have health problems, he will have to be taken to the veterinarian, treated, because it is a pity to put your beloved pet to sleep!
Who prevents you from getting carried away with dolls in the same way? The doll can be dressed up in a variety of looks, photo shoots and also posted on a page on a social network and blogs.
Why are we raising this issue? Then, so that people do not scoff at animals, but choose for themselves those pets that they can cope with.