Materials Science

Hamster fur - a hamster in the service of fashion!

Despite the fierce struggle of animal defenders, fur products do not lose their popularity all over the world. In Russia, and even more so, fur has been and will be relevant. There are two main reasons for this - in Russia there is a cold and long winter, and secondly, Russian girls have always loved beautiful rich images.

Therefore, furs will stay with us for a very long time, or maybe forever. We will continue to buy products from mink and sable, fox and astrakhan fur ...

Only these well-known types of fur are not limited to furs. Even in ancient times, all available types of fur were used for sewing various fur products. Now everything is much simpler - there is no need to get furs in the taiga, because the animals are bred and raised on farms. Now the use of unusual, and often impractical types of fur is done solely for the sake of unusual ...

For example, a hamster!

hamster in the service of fashion, photo

Hamster fur will never be compared in terms of service life and heat capacity, as well as beauty, with sable and mink fur. The hamster is a modest animal, nature did not give him such a rich fur coat. Thanks to this, hamster fur products are a rarity.

In addition, recently on the Internet, the word hamster has acquired additional meaning. Certain people are called hamsters. This part of the population is large, and is characterized by a low level of intelligence, while an irresistible need to express their own opinion.

Take a look at popular blogs, forums. Who writes hundreds and thousands of comments there? All this is the work of hamsters, they do not feel sorry for the time, they everywhere express their own opinions on all issues, even those in which they do not understand at all. These are the Internet hamsters they are.

hamster in the service of fashion, photo

And for us - beauties and fashionistas - those who love themselves and appreciate every hour, every minute, it will be an original decision to purchase a case for a smartphone or a small bag made of hamster fur.

Hamster fur is impractical, it does not warm well, does not wear for long, only for a smartphone it is not so important, because we often change smartphones. The original hamster fur cover will impress your friends. And if you are friends with the Internet, keep your blog, have a website or just a Vkontakte page with tens of thousands of subscribers and friends - publish a photo of a new smartphone case made of hamster fur.

Hamster fur, photo

I guarantee - there will be more attention and discussion than you show a new mink coat!

Hamster fur hat, photo
Hamster fur, hamster bag, photo
Hamster fur, hamster bag, photo

If desired, even a fur coat can be made from hamster fur.

Fur coat, photo
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