Fashion world

Harsh Russian climate and fashionable clothes

Over the past few years, I have had to deal with a lot of people who are not happy with Russia. Such individuals see extremely bad things in Russia, they are not satisfied with absolutely everything, even the Russian climate!

To tell the truth, the Russian climate in some regions is actually harsh, but in everything you can find advantages that you can use to your advantage.

Beautiful clothes for a harsh climate

The harsh Russian climate - the look of a fashionista
Many people dream of moving to live by the sea, where most days of the year are sunny, always warm or even hot. Someone is dreaming, and someone is moving, a lot of Russians have broken away from their homes and left to live in warm Asian countries, where everything is cheap, the sun is shining and the sea is splashing.

One can argue and philosophize a lot on this topic, I can find hundreds of different arguments, but then the publication will turn into a whole book, so now about the most important thing. The warm climate makes it impossible for us to wear many different clothes.

In warm climates, people dress lightly and relaxed; they never wear a fur coat, beautiful warm boots and sable fur mittens. It will be hot under the palm trees even in suit from Chanel, only light fabrics and open shoes should be worn there.

In addition to losing a huge part of the wardrobe, there are other disadvantages in warm countries. The sun! We adore the sun, we strive for it, it makes us happy, but at the same time, the sun is one of the most dangerous enemies for a girl. The southern sun, which shines most days of the year, will age your skin much faster. For example, take a look at the women of Israel who live by the principle - how convenient, they thoughtlessly expose themselves to the scorching sun.

Burberry and Emilio Pucci photo

In general, everything has its pros and cons, changing the harsh Russian climate to a sunny country, you lose a lot of things, and often accelerate the aging process of your skin. The sun is beautiful, but everything is fine in moderation, and most importantly, if the sun shines every day, the sea splashes 50 meters away, you quickly get used to it and perceive it as a routine that ceases to please.

Therefore, I am looking forward to winter, when I can put on my sable coat or a soft tender sheepskin coat and warm boots. And by March, when I get tired of winter, I will gladly welcome spring and take off my warm clothes, this is the beauty of the harsh Russian climate - constant changes and renewal.

Beautiful fur coats for the Russian climate
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