In early December, nature decided to make a gift to the Russians, in many regions there are heavy snowfalls. White fluffy snow covers the streets and houses, turning our cities into a fairy tale.
Personally, I always enjoy snowfalls, because winter is the time when fluffy white snow falls! How can you not rejoice at such a wonderful gift from nature?
It turns out it is possible, I see a lot of gloomy people who are unhappy with the white snow outside the window. They are dissatisfied with the fact that the snow is not removed quickly enough, that the car has skidded, and many roads become impassable, for this they scold the authorities, nature, and the Russian climate. These are representatives of the so-called creative class, to whom everything in Russia seems bad, even the Russian climate is disgusting with its frosts and snowfalls, they definitely need sun and palm trees all year round - just like monkeys.
And I love snowfalls in winter, especially when there is a lot of snow and Moscow and other large cities slow down a little the speed of their lives. In my opinion, it is wonderful when nature can stop all this whirlwind and make us think about beauty and eternity, as well as feel the touch of a fairy tale.
Look at the children, most of them are happy to meet the white fluffy snow. They have not yet lost touch with nature, and have not lost themselves in this race of desires, needs and responsibilities.