
Turquoise jewelry, history of stone and types of turquoise

Turquoise is a stone of happiness, as it was believed in the Middle East. Thanks to archaeological scientists, we now know that the very first turquoise jewelry appeared around 6000 BC. This stone has been formed in nature over millions of years - this requires only water and stones containing copper and aluminum.

Turquoise has long been used in jewelry. Archaeologists discovered it in the decoration of Queen Nefertiti. But she is loved by many women to this day. The stone got its name from the Persian word - firuza - "stone of happiness", and in Europe it was called - turquoise - "Turkish stone", since turquoise was supplied from the Middle East.

Decoration with turquoise, photo
Decoration with turquoise, photo

Turquoise is an opaque stone and does not shine through. Even carefully polished, it does not have a glassy luster.

Decoration with turquoise, photo

There are three colors of natural turquoise - blue, green and white

1. Blue is the most famous and expensive. It comes in different shades - from bluish to deep blue. There is no rich blue turquoise in nature.

2. Green turquoise. It is a less expensive mineral. Its greenish color is due to the presence of iron impurities. Shades can be blue-green or gray-green. But there is no dark green or bright green color of turquoise.

3. White turquoise. It has a yellowish tint. This is the cheapest turquoise.

Crown with turquoise, photo

Back in the early twentieth century, Russian biologist Alexander Gurvich discovered superweak radiation emitted by growing crystals, around which an information-energy frame was formed. Gurvich gave it a name - biofield. So, turquoise also has a biofield, and thus can affect the human body. Thus, with the help of turquoise, you can normalize sleep, the work of the heart and lungs, as well as relieve headaches and even improve vision. It is not for nothing that turquoise is called a natural healer.

Turquoise ages over time. But if, after putting on a beautiful turquoise necklace, you notice that it will soon begin to darken, you should check your health. The impact of biofields on each other can cause changes in the structure of the mineral.

Turquoise necklace, photo

Turquoise looks like a summer stone, reminiscent of the blooming of forget-me-nots and cornflowers, but jewelry with it looks great in the winter. If you are looking to buy turquoise jewelry, look for high quality stones. They are usually matte, deep blue in color. The highest quality and most beautiful stones are found in the Southwest of America, Mexico and India. If you go to travel to these places, do not forget to buy turquoise. A turquoise necklace will adorn a white dress, and a summer tan combined with turquoise will accentuate your youth and beauty. But not only White dress on a summer day it is interesting with turquoise, it will liven up outfits in darker shades if you wear turquoise in several long threads.

Turquoise jewelry, photo

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Turquoise stone on video

Turquoise for the inhabitants of Tibet and North America, Indians, is a sacred stone. Indians believe that turquoise enhances thinking ability and mental clarity. And they also say that this stone is a stone of wisdom, kindness, trust and understanding. If so, then everyone in the family should have some kind of turquoise jewelry - and you will live happily. I wished it were so.

Necklace with turquoise, photo
Large Turquoise Jewelry
Fashionable turquoise jewelry, photo
Large Turquoise Jewelry
Necklace with turquoise, photo
Turquoise hair
Hair dye and manicure in turquoise shades
Manicure - turquoise
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