
Morganite stone - properties and jewelry

Morganite, vorobyovite, balsatin - these are different names for the same stone, painted in pink shades. At the same time, morganite is a kind of beryl.

History of the gem

Morganite was discovered relatively recently, at the beginning of the twentieth century. The stone is very beautiful. It is named after the American banker and philanthropist J.P. Morgan, a man who knew how to combine business with an in-depth study of gemology. He collected a magnificent collection of minerals and in the last years of his life donated it to the New York Museum of Natural History.

For services to American mineralogy, the pink stone was named after him. But in our country the mineral is known as "vorobyevite", by the name of the discoverer V.I. Vorobyov. Disputes over the name repeatedly led to the same result - again it was called either morganite or vorobyevite, despite the fact that they wanted to give this gem a beautiful name - pink emerald.

Morganite ring
Morganite earrings

Morganite properties

Since morganite is a kind of beryl, its properties correspond to those of beryl. Morganite can be called a relative of the emerald and aquamarine... The color of the stone varies from pale pink, peach to orange, due to various impurities - manganese, lithium, cesium.

When cut, the crystal turns into a jewel. A transparent gem is beautiful with an unusual iridescent color. Its large stones can rival diamonds in value.

Morganites often contain various inclusions, cracks, and cavities. Many of the crystals of the mineral are opaque and have an expressionless appearance. But gem-cutting works wonders. Morganite, in comparison with other beryls, has a higher density, which is explained by the high content of metallic impurities. Hardness 7.58. Density 2.71 - 2.9.

High temperatures can have a detrimental effect on the stone - morganite can lose its color.

Morganite necklace and pendant

Morganite - medicinal properties

Lithotherapists have noticed his amazing abilities. For example, they claim that the stone is able to alleviate suffering from back diseases, has a positive effect on the nervous system, stimulates the brain, and improves memory. And besides the above, the stone relieves stress and even heals mental wounds. In other words, in difficult circumstances, morganite should help.

This happens, as lithotherapists say, as a result of the positive effect of the stone on the cardiovascular system of the body. And all because its warm color attracts and carries away in the most positive emotions. In nature, everything is interconnected, and I would like to believe that the stone is really a good helper.

An ancient Buddhist legend tells of the unearthly origin of the crystal.

Morganite ring

Morganite crystal cost

The most expensive is peach-colored morganite. Jewelers love this gem and use the same cut as for diamonds. And the cost of such morganites is sometimes commensurate with the cost of diamonds.

The high price for faceted morganites is not only for large stones, but also for stones less than one carat. And despite the fact that inclusions are found in crystals, in jewelry even these imperfections are used to create beautiful jewels... The stone has yellow, orange, red blotches that give it mysticism.

Highly prized gem morganite of intense pink color from Madagascar. Individual stones weigh more than 500 carats. The stone has an amazing pink tint that mesmerizes with its fabulous beauty.

Morganite ring
Morganite ring
Morganite rings
Morganite stone properties
Morganite stone properties
Huge morganite
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