The dress with a wrap is designed for women of any size and any figure.
What are its advantages?
This dress covers the figure in those places where it is needed and drapes effectively in everyone else. The sash at the waist can be tied the way it is convenient only for you. You can experiment with a dress, feeling like a designer. In it, every detail emphasizes the beauty of the female body.
The dress was originally created from jersey. This fabric drapes perfectly and emphasizes the rounded shape of the figure. You can sew this dress from a printed fabric. It will be very stylish. It can be worn with boots, with stiletto heels.
The dress with a wrap was created in the 70s of the last century by Diana von Fürstenberg. During these years she worked in a small garment factory. She liked to experiment, come up with her own models. And Diana got the idea to turn the top, tied in a knot at the front, into a dress. The idea was amazing. In 1975, 5 million of these dresses were sold. And Diana herself appeared on the cover of Newsweek and Waal Street Journal.
Although if you take a closer look at the history of fashion, you can see that the prototypes of the dress with a wrap appeared already in the first half of the 20th century, and Diana only adapted it for modern times.
This dress can be said to be versatile. And it fully confirms the words of Diana: "I make dresses for women who like to feel like women."
Dress with zap? Hom on video
An excerpt from the program "Fashionable Sentence" - fashion tips.