In real life and on the Internet, from time to time I come across this question - is it possible for believing women to do plastic surgery?
I will try to give an exhaustive answer once and for all, so as not to retell one thought several times in the future.
So, is it okay for religious women to have plastic surgery? Many believers will say the answer is unequivocal - no! They give arguments that plastic surgery is a sin, because with their help, a person wants to change his appearance, thereby demonstratively declaring that he can do better than God!
A person is not given to do anything better than God, but plastic surgery is completely different, they do not in any way run counter to the Divine plan, but vice versa.
The fact is that God did not create freaks and people with some inferiorities. God created wonderful people, but as we know humanity fell away from God and thus people fell under the power of sin and vice. It is the sins, vices of our ancestors, evil deeds, diseases and curses that are reflected in the form of all kinds of deformities and inferiorities. Therefore, correcting a crooked nose or lop-earedness, we do not compete with God in creating perfection.
Another thing is that the motive for plastic surgery can be different. It's one thing when plastic surgery is aimed at correcting deficiencies that prevent a person from living confidently in modern society. This motive is fully justified.
Only many, if not most beauty seekers have no problems with their appearance, but want to become even better. If this is done in order to find a beloved man, get married and create a happy family, everything is fine. But if this is done in order to lead a dissolute life, seducing different men for the satisfaction of their lust and material enrichment, everything is different.
To whom how to act is a personal matter, I just bring clarity so that believing girls who want to change something in their appearance could figure out their desires and make the right decision.