
Standards and stereotypes of beauty in the age of the Internet

Recently, it has been fashionable to fight against traditions and stereotypes. Scientific studies and entire books are being written on this topic. It is believed that men and the beauty industry are imposing incredibly high standards of beauty on women, which are beneficial for the industry's earnings and for the delight of men.

It's actually not that simple. We force ourselves to meet certain standards that, in our opinion, will lead to success. Our pride and vanity wants more money, more love, health, fame and beauty. So we look at those who are better than us by the standards of society and try to copy their model of success.

All this is clearly visible on Instagram. Check out dozens of profiles of female bloggers. View the profile from start to finish. Some successful bloggers have already removed the very first photos, but many still have them. When you look carefully, you immediately see that initially everyone comes different with their own characteristics.

Who sets the standards for beauty

Then the girls begin to learn the principles of social media success. They copy poses for photosborrow color schemes and design ideas. Along the way, they follow fashion trends in makeup, clothing and accessories. And many go even further and undergo plastic surgery in order to meet their ideals as much as possible, because these ideal bloggers are the personification of success.

As a result, there are a great many blogs on Instagram that are unusually similar to each other! Who made these girls copy Instagram beauty standards? Men, fashion or beauty industry? No, they themselves, or rather their own pride, makes them change and change their lives according to certain principles.

We are taught this - if you do what successful people do, you will surely come to the same success, maybe less or more. It works in all walks of life and work.

In our society, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, do fitness, visit beauty salons and spas, travel a lot, meet new people, look for new experiences. Modern universal human values ​​are known even in remote villages, because smartphones with the Internet are available even to the poorest.

Who sets the standards for beauty

Before the Internet era, designers had a great influence on fashion, and in the early 20th century they could even dictate fashion. Now designers are forced to subtly feel the desires of society in order to timely create suitable outfits and accessories in order to please the desires of the consumer and earn more money. Therefore, we ourselves create all the ideals, standards and stereotypes of beauty, and not designers and plastic surgeons.

Beauty standards are forced to enter a race in which there are really no winners. At some point it seems to you that you have achieved, but this success is fleeting and very soon you see others - the best. Inconsistency with ideals drives you into depression and deprives you of happiness. But it is not fashion brands and modeling agencies that are to blame, but our entire society, built on selfishness, pride and primitive desires.

Freud also said that the behavior of most people is determined by only two motives. The first is the desire to be significant, the second is the sexual desire. Meeting beauty standards promises to satisfy both desires at once.

If you want to be free from the notorious standards of beauty, you need to have a different measure of values ​​and be indifferent to public opinion. You must completely destroy your pride and vanity, only then you can free yourself from the power of the ideals and standards of society.

Who sets the standards for beauty
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