During the 20th and early 21st centuries, a whole class of people has formed who feel an irresistible need to fight with something, to achieve freedoms, to break stereotypes and traditions in order to remake society under new standards, the basis of which is complete freedom.
Freedom is good, but beauty is also great, why fight against stereotypes of beauty? Feminists and various public figures are constantly proving that existing beauty standards enslave a woman, make her reach for unattainable ideals ... Wait, but there are unattainable ideals everywhere, in any sphere, and no one forces you to reach for them - you can live as conveniently. With beauty the same way - there is a desire, visit beauty salons, do fitness, watch your diet. There is no desire, live as conveniently, you can get rid of everything in general, including work and property, start homelessness in complete freedom.
Don't feel like being homeless? Do you want to be appreciated, respected, loved, you want to surround yourself with beautiful things and live in comfort? Then live in accordance with the laws and stereotypes of this society, even if they are far from perfect, but they work.
Otherwise, it turns out some strange ideology of life - I want to be free from stereotypes of beauty. I want to satisfy all my desires - to eat deliciously fatty and sweet food, drink wine, wallow on the beach under the sun. I am too lazy to epilate and I do not want to fight cellulite and a sagging tummy, I am too lazy to choose the right wardrobe, therefore I dress as conveniently, in comfortable shoes without a heel, and generally follow the principle - how convenient it is, no matter if it is ugly. At the same time, I want to have a good decent man next to me. Or it doesn't matter what kind of man, because a man also has the right to live as conveniently?
If you want to see a worthy man next to you, you need to consider who he wants to see next to him. It doesn't matter that you have completely freed yourself from stereotypes, society has not freed itself! Therefore, freedom fighters are promoting their ideas into the consciousness of the masses, so that everyone can free themselves and live as conveniently, but this is utopia. There are always many mediocre personalities who live as it turns out, as it is necessary, calling it - for us, it is so convenient. At the same time, there are people striving for perfection, they will always be there and will forever anger the main gray mass, which achieves nothing due to its laziness.
And complete freedom from stereotypes is comparable to the freedom of a madman who is comfortable with a small need in a public place. He wanted to, and he did it where he wanted. Why look for a toilet, because you have to waste time, you can right here and now ... But as long as there are norms, laws and stereotypes, this act for the majority will seem wrong, disgusting ...
If we remove all stereotypes, our society will come closer to a herd of animals, it is the cattle who live as conveniently, they eat, shit, satisfy other physiological needs, as it is convenient for them - when they want. The ladybird chews the grass and immediately crap, conveniently and comfortably!
Therefore, you have to choose who you want to be and among whom you want to live. You want complete freedom, you don’t need to achieve any rights and you don’t need to destroy traditions, go to India and live among yogis, feeding on alms, and sleeping on a mat under palm trees, or live among homeless people. And if you want to make a good impression, if you want to be desired and loved - meet the expectations of other people and the existing society.
In modern society, so much has been destroyed, and in the very near future people will reap the fruits of this destruction, which will not affect the quality of life of the majority in the best way.Already today you can hear from men - now it is so difficult to find a girl to create a family! Girls say - now it is impossible to find a real man!
Let's continue to destroy traditions, norms and stereotypes, we will live as conveniently today, here and now ...