already several years ago talked about experiments with a Barbie doll, when they wanted to give it human forms and increase the volume. Then, many sites wrote on this topic and repeatedly spoke on television. Despite this, slender, thin dolls fill the store shelves.
Look at the images of all popular dolls, among them you will not see bbw and donuts. Even among the BJD there are no fat dolls, there are many beauties with natural shapes, but there are many very thin dolls.
BJD dolls cost a lot of money, so manufacturers often try to make them to order. Based on this, we can understand that people do not want to buy fat dolls at all, on the contrary they buy very slender ones.
Collectors will gladly buy a doll with wings or horns, a beauty with elven ears, or an ice creature with blue skin and purple eyesbut nobody wants a fat girl.
All this suggests that in the subconscious of people there is a craving for harmony, and excess weight is not perceived as something good and worthy of imitation. Look at the collectors of dolls, some of them are very well-fed, but for some reason they are not looking for chubby dolls.
Beauty standards and knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle tell everyone that being fat is still bad and even being plump is not the best option. Plump beauty was appreciated in the past, when a woman had to give birth to many children. Nowadays, very few people are interested - a rare woman wants many children. Therefore, thick dolls do not reflect the true desires of society.
The final confirmation of the truth of my words is the statistics of the search engines Yandex and Google. These search engines say - no more than 500-1000 people a month are looking for a fat doll!