periodically receives letters from girls graduating from high school, they ask where to go next to study in order to find their place in the fashion industry. has written a lot of materials on this topic - we talked about the choice of educational institutions in Of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, USA and Europe, and today we will try to clarify the situation around the main specialties - clothing designer and fashion designer.
Sometimes you can hear the statement that a couturier, a fashion designer, a fashion designer and even a stylist is one person, they are all doing the same thing. In reality, everything is a little different, let's try to figure out who is doing what.
Design, designer and fashion designer
Initially, the word "design" appeared in the 16th century, and became widespread in the middle of the 19th century in Europe in connection with the development of production and technologies.
In the USSR, the profession of designer became widespread in the second half of the 20th century, but in order to adapt the profession to the Soviet ideology, the word “design” was replaced by “artistic design”.
The end of the 20th century and the 21st century brought many changes, the USSR collapsed, and everything changed in Russia, many new prospects opened up. Today the profession of a designer is in great demand, we have many different designers, including those who are engaged in clothing. Along with fashion designers, the profession “fashion designer”, more familiar to previous generations, remains, and for many there is no difference in the work of a designer and a fashion designer.
The name of the profession "fashion designer" exists exclusively in the Russian tradition, in other countries the definition of a designer is adopted. But meanwhile, these two professions not only bear different names, they solve different problems. A fashion designer models clothes, and a designer designs them. To get a feel for the difference, let's take a look at these two concepts.
Modeling clothing involves shaping it using various techniques and methods. Clothing design is the process of creating a new uniform that begins with developing a concept for the project and defining the main design task.
In other words, the designer finds the moods and trends flying in modern society, analyzes the needs of people and creates a new concept of clothing collections, guessing the desires of tomorrow's consumers. The designer creates new forms, and sometimes a new function of a thing and a new reality.
The designer develops new clothes on the basis of the existing ones - he changes the darts for reliefs, plays with the shape of the sleeve and collar, varies the length of the product, mixes stylistic directions, chooses a decorative solution. Agree, many modern creators of fashionable clothes around the world are engaged in this. The lists of participants in the fashion weeks in Paris and Milan, London and New York are constantly growing, but often new collections are pure modeling of clothes. Therefore, when choosing the profession of a fashion designer, you need to clearly understand that a real designer creates a new human environment, designs a new space of material things, and does not reshape the retro style in a modern way.
Both professions are in demand on the Russian labor market today. Fashion designers work in ateliers, at sewing and knitwear enterprises, designers - in design studios, experimental workshops at enterprises, in design bureaus. At the same time, a designer can sometimes be a fashion designer, and a fashion designer can become a designer.
But the differences do not end there, the profession of a fashion designer is divided into several specializations.
1. The designer-designer is engaged in the development of drawings, changes the model features of the product according to the sketch of the artist-fashion designer or the customer (if we are talking about the atelier).
2.The fashion designer-technologist selects or develops the actual methods of sewing the product, looking for the most suitable processing methods that simplify the process of making a new thing.
3. An artist-fashion designer is engaged in the creation of sketches - he is looking for new forms and silhouettes of the product on paper, working out possible options for finishing, drawing in detail the design of the product. There are several stages in the development of sketches from the first sketches to a technical drawing, which is given to the designer to develop a design drawing.
It is understood that each of the three above-mentioned fashion designers knows all the stages of clothing production, knows how to draw, design, implement their ideas in the material, and will be able to organize a demonstration of their models. Only the most demanded specialist is the universal fashion designer, since only large successful companies with large production volumes can afford to keep several fashion designers solving different problems on their staff.
And the designer defines the basic concept of the entire collection, develops sketches, construction, sewing technology, thinks over the defile scenario and participates in the development of advertising campaigns.