
Hyaluronic acid for skin in cosmetics and ampoules

Today everyone knows that the human body mostly consists of water, in which various substances are dissolved. Water is generally a guarantee of all life on planet Earth! If life is impossible without water, then beauty and even more so.

That is why, when it comes to the youthfulness of the facial skin, there is so much talk about hyaluronic acid for the face. Only not everyone clearly understands what it is - hyaluronic acid, where it comes from, how it is useful, how to keep it in the body for many years.

Water is the source of life

So hyaluronic acid ...

More than 70 years ago, hyaluronic acid was first isolated from vitreous human eye and has been studied. Scientists have found that hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide. One molecule of hyaluronic acid is able to bind and retain through hydrogen bonds up to 100 water molecules, thus forming a viscous gel that provides elasticity and elasticity of tissues, accelerates metabolism, enhances intercellular interactions and promotes cell regeneration.

Water is the source of life

Hyaluronic acid has a moisturizing function and participates in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which provide skin firmness and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid can also remove toxins by acting as an antioxidant. Therefore, if we want to stay young and beautiful longer, we need a sufficient amount of this wonderful acid!

Up to 20-25 years, the body produces up to 24 grams of hyaluronic acid per day. It is produced by fibroblast cells and is found in bones, intercellular substance of connective tissue, synovial fluid, vitreous humor and skin. Later, with age, less and less acid is produced.

Hyaluronic acid

With a lack of hyaluronic acid, the skin becomes dry and thinner, more and more wrinkles and wrinkles appear, due to which we age from year to year. But if you start to saturate the skin with hyaluronic acid again, the wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes younger, at the same time the extra years are erased from our face.

Hyaluronic acid, injected into the skin, stimulates the fibroblasts and promotes the production of hyaluronic acid by the body itself, as well as collagen and elastin, ensuring skin rejuvenation. Along with the restoration of the water balance in the skin, toxins are eliminated and the skin's resistance increases, and most importantly, fibroblast cells that synthesize collagen and elastin are activated.

Hyaluronic acid for skin

Cosmetics and injections for hyaluronic acid replenishment
Among cosmetologists, there are two opposite opinions, some argue that replenishing hyaluronic acid reserves with the help conventional cosmetics impossible, since the acid molecules are too large and the barrier function of our skin interferes with its penetration.

Other cosmetologists argue that everything is not so, and pure hyaluronic acid perfectly penetrates the skin, due to the fact that its molecules included in the composition of cosmetics are fragmented and small in size. In addition, other components are included in the composition of cosmetics, which are a transport link for the penetration of hyaluronic acid molecules and other important substances into the skin.

How reliable this is in the case of a particular cosmetic product is not easy to establish. Some cosmetic products quite possibly perform their assigned introduction of hyaluronic acid, while others do not cope with this and the inscriptions on the packaging are only a means of increasing the price and attracting the buyer.

If you do not trust cosmetics, preferring injections, choose preparations of stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, they are more effective, since they retain the effect of attracting moisture for many months, and they also do not cause allergies.The ampoules contain large molecules of hyaluronic acid, because with the help of injections they can easily get into the deep layers of the dermis.

Hyaluronic acid for skin

How to promote the production of your own hyaluronic acid?
To maintain a high level of hyaluronic acid in the body, according to scientists, will help chicken broth, soy products, a small amount of red wine, plus a balance of essential vitamins and trace elements obtained through nutrition and multivitamin complexes.

Reasons for acid loss
The main enemies of hyaluronic acid are tanning, regardless of origin - natural under the sun or in a tanning bed, and smoking. It is these two factors that accelerate the body's acid loss, which can lead to wrinkles at a very early age.

Also, the production of hyaluronic acid depends on hormonal balance and age.

With thyrotoxicosis and with age (especially after the onset of menopause), less hyaluronic acid is produced, and then the losses affect not only the skin, which is becoming drier, but also the joints and vision.

In conclusion, it is important to note that many of us, in pursuit of harmony and beauty, are ready for a lot, including various diets, sometimes completely insane diets. The result of many diets may not be at all what the seekers of eternal youth are counting on. Improper nutrition can cause hormonal disruption, which will lead to the loss of hyaluronic acid, and instead of the expected beauty, the aging process can be accelerated!

conclusions - the human body is a complex system where everything is interconnected, so be prudent in the pursuit of beauty.

Hyaluronic acid for skin in ampoules
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