They say the eyes are the mirror of the soul. To this we can add that the eyes are also a mirror that reflects the state of our health. The beauty of the eyes depends on many factors. This includes good nutrition, rich in vitamins A, B, C and D, proper eye and eyelid skin care, sleep and work regimen, and much more.
The skin around the eyes needs a special treatment. Many of us are used to washing our face with the same water and using the same creamsas for the whole face. But in the area of the eyes, as well as in the area of the neck and arms, the layer of the epidermis is very thin. This delicate skin is only half a millimeter thick. In border areas, the skin thickness immediately quadruples. In addition, there are almost no sebaceous glands around the eyes, a "soft pad" of subcutaneous adipose tissue and very few muscles that maintain its elasticity. Collagen fibers ("reinforcement" of the skin) are arranged here in the form of a mesh, so the skin of the eyelids is easily stretchable. And due to the looseness of the subcutaneous tissue, it is also prone to edema. Here the skin very quickly loses its extensibility and elasticity. In addition, she is constantly in motion: her eyes blink, squint, "smile". As a result, the skin around the eyes is particularly stressed. All this explains why the eye area is prone to the formation of mimic wrinkles. Among other things, it requires special care due to the closeness of the eyes, it is the most sensitive on your face.
A painful tired face and, above all, "bags" under the eyes, "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes spoils our appearance very much. How to get rid of them. Even if you don't have them now, they may appear. Therefore, knowing the cause and eliminating it is much easier than trying to eliminate the existing "bags" and "legs".
To test the firmness and freshness of your skin around your eyes, stand in front of a mirror, bring your face closer to it, grasp the skin with the tips of two fingers, slightly pull and release:
a) the skin will instantly be smoothed;
b) will smooth out slowly and gradually;
c) it will remain pulled for a moment, then it will slowly smooth out.
If you are in group a, your skin is perfect. She does not yet need additional care in order to remain soft and elastic.
If the test brings you to group "b", apply the cream to the skin twice a day, in the evening and in the morning.
If you are in the "B" group, your skin needs constant intensive care and special products that will help restore its elasticity and freshness.
Swelling is most often caused by the following reasons:
Various diseases (stomach, heart, kidney, nervous system, allergies)
Lymph congestion
Incorrect head position while sleeping
Age-related changes (age-related changes inevitably affect the eyes: the elasticity of the eyeballs, the strength of the contractions of the external and internal muscles of the eyes gradually weaken).
Hereditary feature of appearance
To combat fluid retention:
• sleep with your head slightly elevated above body level;
• try not to abuse beer, stronger drinks, spicy and salty foods, the use of which leads to the accumulation of fluid;
• do not smoke;
• make compresses.
• do special eye exercises.
It is necessary to control the position during sleep - the head should be slightly higher than the level of the body. It is advisable to sleep on your back, not on your side.
Eye compresses are very helpful.
Try to maintain friendly relations with your loved ones - there will be less stress.
Lead a healthy lifestyle - more movement in the fresh air, properly selected and balanced diet.
Eye compresses:
1. Pour 1/2 cup boiling water over one teaspoon of sage and leave for 10 minutes. Divide the infusion into two parts - one should be cold, the other hot. For 10 minutes, alternately apply napkins with a hot compress, napkins with a cold compress. Finish off cold. After the procedure, the eyelids should be lubricated with a nourishing cream. Such compresses usually help after a month.
2.Parsley compresses. Pour one tablespoon of parsley with one glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Apply to eyes for 10 minutes.
3. Mix two teaspoons of sour cream with one teaspoon of herbs. Apply to eyelids for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
4. Cold compress from tea leaves: brew tea and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, put cotton swabs dipped in cold tea (or chamomile extract) on the eye sockets for 5 minutes. After that, apply a cream in a thin layer and do morning exercises, you can go outside and run (in winter - not earlier than an hour after you applied this cream). Sweating and physical activity, combined with lotions, quickly eliminate swelling.
5. Apply ice cubes. Make an infusion of chamomile or mint, you can use sage or rose petals... Pour into a special container for ice. Can be used repeatedly throughout the day.
6. Swelling of the eyelids will be removed by a mask of 1 teaspoon of flour, 1 teaspoon of grated raw potatoes and 1 teaspoon of milk.
7. Infusion of fresh birch leaves: pour 1 glass of birch leaves with 1 glass of cold water and leave for 8 hours, drain. Use as a compress.
• Rotation. Close your eyes and rotate your eyeballs in a circle to the left, up, right, down. And back. 4 times in the water direction, 4 times in the other direction. Try not to squint.
• Up and down. Close your eyes again and "look" up, then down. 8 times.
• Blinking. Look straight ahead. Blink quickly for 30 seconds. Stare in front of you for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
• Number V. Slowly follow your gaze on the number V, "drawn" in the plane and size of your face. Repeat 7-8 times.
• The eyes will shine if you press the inner corner of the eye 3 times with an interval of several seconds for 3 seconds.
Reddened eyes and eyelids can be helped by rinsing them with an infusion of pharmacy chamomile or linden flowers (1 teaspoon of dried flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes and filtered through gauze folded in two layers). You can also rinse your eyes with a boric acid solution (1 teaspoon per glass of boiled cold water).
It is also helpful to alternate between warm and cold compresses. After the procedure, the eyes should be blotted with a napkin and applied to the eyelids, gently massaging, with a nourishing cream.
Cosmetics are often the cause of eye inflammation.... It is necessary to exclude drugs that cause irritation. To eliminate inflammation arising from the irritating effect of certain dyes (shadows, mascara) or for other reasons, apply milk compresses. To do this, a cotton swab moistened with milk is applied to closed eyes for 5 minutes, after which they are washed with water, and the skin of the eyelids is dried and a nourishing cream is applied; If your eyes get tired due to excessive visual stress at work, it is recommended to rinse them daily with cool boiled water using special eye baths. Don't forget to do exercises to relieve eye fatigue.
Do not forget that the best rest for the eyes is sleep. Very often, in addition to a night's sleep, the eyes need additional rest, especially during work that requires eye strain (prolonged reading, writing, sewing, etc.). In this case, it is recommended to interrupt work at regular intervals and sit quietly, looking in front of you or closing your eyes, or even better to lie down for 10 minutes with your eyes closed.
What to do if the skin around the eyes tightens from morning to evening or wrinkles form under the makeup, like on dry skin? On the one hand, it can be a consequence of stress or fatigue, on the other hand, it can be a consequence of improper care.
If you are a supporter of fast methods, this shortcoming can be corrected as follows - over makeup gently rub in the gel around the eyes. The skin will become smoother, fresher, and wrinkles will be smoothed out.
The same effect can be achieved with so-called "eyeliners". They look colorless lipstick and contain many biologically active nutrients.
But, all the same, the main thing is that the skin around the eyes must be properly looked after. Dryness can be caused by improper care, in particular by washing with hard water.
If dark circles appear under the eyes, a compress from infusion of cornflowers or chamomile will help. Also drink plenty of water.
Eyes watery, hurt.
First and foremost, of course you need to see a doctor. If there are no serious problems, then perhaps the body lacks vitamin B2 (riboflavin). The daily requirement for this vitamin is 1.2 - 3 milligrams. However, it increases if your food contains a lot of fat, also after accidents, wounds, injuries, operations, etc.
Riboflavin is found in large quantities in poultry, whole milk, cottage cheese, brewer's yeast, mackerel, peas, peas and broccoli.
Vitamin B2 is very sensitive to light. Therefore, milk and vegetables must be stored in a dark and cool place.
Apply and remove makeup with clean hands. When applying makeup on the hands, there should be no traces of perfume, cologne. Strong odors, alcohol often irritate the eyes.
After removing the mascara, it is recommended to rinse the upper and lower eyelids with tea leaves.
Salad to preserve eyesight.
Doctors at Harvard University have found that if you consume greens two or three times a week, then the likelihood that your retina will weaken is reduced by half. Namely for this reason, many people after 50-60 years of age significantly decrease visual acuity. The "secret" of greens is that the chlorophyll pigment that gives such a wonderful color to lettuce contains a group of substances called carotenoids, which literally support vision, greatly slowing down the age-related effect, or rather a defect. Spinach and sorrel are richest in carotenoids; there are many of them in lettuce, rhubarb, green cabbage, broccoli, spicy herbs - dill and parsley.
Here are some tips to help you achieve radiant eyes and beautiful eyes:
- Apply soap and hot water to the skin of the eyelids.
- stretch the skin of the eyelids during cosmetic manipulations;
- smoking;
- squint your eyes (grimacing, insufficient lighting, poor eyesight, etc.);
- Leave makeup overnight and apply a greasy cream on the eyelids.
- Powder the skin around the eyes.
- apply masks for dry skin to care for the skin around the eyes at least once a week;
- put wet slices of fresh vegetables (cucumber, zucchini) and fruits (apricots, apples, pears, bananas) on closed eyes;
- to eliminate bags under the eyes:
- to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon - general fatigue, excessive eye strain during work, heart disease, stomach, kidney, liver, chronic constipation;
- observe a rational regime - adequate sleep, abundant consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, daily exercise, walking in the fresh air, try to limit the use of water and salt;
-apply masks;
- compresses from decoctions of chamomile, parsley, dill, freshly brewed tea bags (morning and evening);
-special ready-made creams and masks;
- to eliminate inflammation arising from the irritating effect of certain dyes (shadows, mascara) or for other reasons, apply milk compresses;
-every day, wipe the skin around the eyes with a piece of ice made from an infusion of herbs: parsley or chamomile, sage; - do gymnastics for the eyes every day;
- apply after compresses nutritious cream;
- to cleanse the skin around the eyes, use milk or other products only approved by ophthalmologists;
- change cosmetics after four months in order to avoid conjunctivitis and an allergic reaction (hygiene plays an important role here, since an open package is easily infected with microbes;
- due to the fact that care of the skin around the eyes differs from the care of the entire skin of the face, you should use a separate complex (milk, tonic, eye cream) or care for the entire face as if it is as sensitive and gentle as the area around the eyes;
- when removing makeup from eyelids and eyelashes, movements should be smooth, soft, you must try not to stretch the skin around the eyes. If your makeup isn't easy to remove, you may be using the wrong makeup remover.
If you do not recognize "folk remedies" and prefer to keep up with the times and get rid of problems with cosmetics, use a special nourishing gel or cooling eye gel with plant extracts (for example, the cool blue Indulge gel mask from Mary Kay). With this gel, they simply blot the upper and lower eyelids and wait a few minutes before applying makeup. The gel does not leave behind a film of grease, so it can be used by contact lens wearers.
The skin around the eyes often reacts to stress with bruising, redness, and swelling. Therefore, it is useful to have a Good Morning cream from Elizabeth Arden in your cosmetic bag. It can even be applied to unclean skin and will remove signs of fatigue. An instant lift is also provided by Nina Ricci's "Youth Extract" cream.
Learn to take good care of your eyes. No amount of makeup can help make your eyes look beautiful and radiant if they reflect a bad mood or feeling of well-being.
Therefore, daily and thorough eye care should begin with monitoring your overall health. And health is more than 2/3 dependent on nutrition. Everyone knows that food should be varied and complete, but it is one thing to know, and another thing to follow these rules.
“The beauty of a woman is not in clothes, shape or hair. She is in the sparkle of her eyes. - Audrey Hepburn.