Psychology and relationships

Friends, partners or relatives - who is better?

With whom to spend more time, who to trust the most intimate, who can make our life more interesting and joyful? There is no definite answer, and there cannot be, because the ways of the Lord are inscrutable, close relatives have the greatest influence on the lives of some people, friends and acquaintances by interests have a positive effect on the lives of others.

Today wants to educate those who are stuck in a swamp of outdated life principles that poison life and make our entire society worse.

Most people have several, and sometimes many, relatives. Various aunts, uncles, nephews, cousins ​​and second cousins, half-brothers and distant brothers. In the old days, a large family was the key to prosperity and even survival, because in the 19th century and earlier, human life was complex and fraught with many difficulties, which are easier to solve with a large team - a family where all relatives help each other.

In the 21st century, life has changed a lot, now it is enough to have a good profession and a bright mind in order to wisely manage money and property, in order to live in joy and comfort, not knowing the need and problems. Therefore, today a large family has lost its original meaning - it is not a guarantor of prosperity and survival. In fact, relatives are mostly independent or want to be independent, putting their own interests, the so-called selfishness, at the head of everything. Therefore, the relationship between relatives deteriorates from year to year. It is sad, but such are the realities of our time.

What to do - try to improve relationships and compromise or distance yourself? Again, it all depends on the situation, sometimes you can stand a little and the relationship between relatives will improve, but this is not always the case. Around is full of unfit, unbalanced, angry, narrow-minded and mentally ill people. Almost all of them have relatives and, under certain circumstances, can poison their lives.

Social circle - friends or relatives

A modern person, a smart person will move away from such relatives and forget, because in the 21st century smart people form their social circle not on the basis of what is given, but on what they want. Therefore, smart people form their own social circle - choosing people with whom it will be interesting, comfortable and stable. These may be true friends and girlfriends, or there may be many acquaintances by interests, and of course business partners. Although the best relationships can be built in an environment where people communicate based on their interests - a hobby, this is where the most positive and enjoyable communication. Ideally, when your favorite business and work coincide, respectively, the people around are doing exactly what is dear to you.

But as we know, not all people are smart, many live in the grip of stereotypes. Such people continue to communicate with relatives no matter what! After all, this has been the practice from time immemorial. Our grandmothers and grandfathers taught - we must always maintain relations with our relatives, they will come to the rescue in difficult times, they will serve the notorious glass of water in old age.

The saddest thing is that in reality everything is not so, and these relatives poison the whole life, and then, when the ill-fated glass of water is needed, no one will be around. They all have their own lives, their families and interests, into which a helpless relative who expects help from them does not fit.

If you also have sisters, nieces and other relatives from whom anger, envy, worries and problems, forget them, replace them with people with whom you will be good and interesting. Thanks to this, life will acquire a new quality and will last longer. Now it is not difficult at all, if you have hobbies and interests, you can find many like-minded people through the Internet and various real interest clubs.

All of the above does not apply to really close relatives, with whom it is necessary to maintain warm and bright relations by all means, finding compromises.

Circle of friends
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