Fashion handbags

Vionnet Mosaic bag - designer bag

Do you love bags? I adore bags and wish to have as many beautiful and original bags as possible, for which I periodically replenish my collection. The Vionnet brand, namely its owner Goga Ashkenazi, went to meet the lovers of a variety of bags by releasing Vionnet Mosaic, which is a real designer.

Goga Ashkenazi recalled her childhood when she, as a little girl, went to a Moscow school. Goga Ashkenazi was born in Kazakhstan, but as a child she ended up with her parents in Moscow, so she has Russian citizenship. True, Goga did not go to Moscow school for long, her parents sent her to study at an English school, and then Goga continued her studies at Oxford, then went into business.

Vionnet Mosaic Bag

Goga Ashkenazi is the head of the oil and gas company MunaiGaz Engineering Group, which is represented in Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, and also owns the fashion brand Vionnet.

In creating the bag, Lady Goga was inspired not only by her school past, but also by the works of Ernesto Tajat, who in the 1920s created sketches for Madeleine Vionne.

The bags will go on sale at the end of June in two versions - large and small, respectively, the cost will be $ 1,500 and 1,300, plus parts for the bags, which will have to be purchased separately at prices ranging from $ 665 to $ 885, depending on the material.

Goga Ashkenazi
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