Quite recently, still such a velvety and delicate skin, and suddenly it began to blush and peel off !!! Don't be surprised, it's just winter outside. Everyone already knows that the skin becomes drier in winter. And why?
The fact is that the low air temperature outside reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, and the hydrolipidic film on the skin becomes thinner. Cold air dehydrates the skin, slows down the process of renewal of epidermal cells. Warm clothing, which of course protects us from the cold, provokes dry skin. The protective functions of the body weaken, the lack of vitamins and sunlight causes vitamin deficiency. Dry indoor air also has a negative effect on the skin.
In winter, even oily skin is prone to dryness. Cracks form, peeling occurs.
Our skin is 70% water, and in winter, when dehydration intensifies, it loses a lot of moisture, gradually losing its function. The skin begins to suffer from thirst. Since the process of cell renewal slows down in winter, the skin coarsens, loses its smoothness and elasticity and even reddens, which is a reaction of the skin's self-defense against this discomfort. The skin seems to change its type, or simply put, it becomes dry. Therefore, a daytime moisturizer is a must! But it should be denser than the cream you use in summer. It is good if this cream contains lecithin, which retains and retains moisture in cells, alpha and beta hydroxy acids. The moisturizer should only be used indoors, one hour before going outside.
Cleansing your face in the winter should be more gentle. Alcohol in cleansers should be completely eliminated, even for oily skin.
For oily skin, it will still be useful not to use soap either, since it is the soap, which dissolves in water, forms calcium and magnesium salts, which clog the pores, clog the sebaceous and sweat ducts, that is, block the access of air. It is better to clean the skin with gels or foams that are easily soluble in water. Then apply the cream. Cream with sage, lemon or aloe extract has a beneficial effect on the skin. It is these substances that regulate the secretion of subcutaneous fat well. Additional care can be tonic, acidified masks.
If the skin is dry, cleanse it in the evening with soft milk, sour cream, sour milk or vegetable oil are also suitable for this. Especially beneficial for such skin are cleansing with avocado or peach oils. After cleansing, apply a nourishing cream.
To protect your skin from external factors, you should use protective creams. They can be bold, bold, and non-fat. Depending on your skin type, you should and choose the appropriate one. These creams are applied in the morning from 30 minutes to an hour before leaving the house, as oily creams also contain water (at least 25%). Then you should slightly remove the excess cream with a napkin (blot with a paper napkin), and then powder it, removing the shine and apply decorative cosmetics. In the evening, the skin must be cleansed. In both cold and hot weather, you should not use moisturizers and liquid creams before going outside. In the cold season, it is best to use frost protection creams that contain a minimum of moisturizers.
For both oily and dry skin, masks and herbal tinctures are a good additional skin care product. Banana masks are especially recommended before bed for 15 minutes. They moisturize, nourish and protect the skin.
There is one more remedy - ice cubes, take advantage of them. Apply them, gently massaging them, until your face freezes. This will increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.This can be done in the morning, while the night cream has not yet been washed off, and in the evening before going to bed, and then apply the night cream. These treatments are great.
If the skin is very flaky, in the evening, warm 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix it with well-ground rolled oats, apply the gruel to the skin and gently massage with this gruel for 2-3 minutes. Then wash off with warm and boiled water.
Not only the face and hands, but also the skin of the whole body in winter coarsens from contact with clothing. Therefore, do not be lazy and once a week go through a scrub all over your body.
It is better not to use dry loose powder in winter.
Nourishing night cream promotes skin regeneration, elimination of toxins, and also has a calming effect.
To prevent the skin from reddening and peeling in the cold, apply a special protective cream.
Make-up in winter should not be forgotten either. Creams with UV filters have the greatest protective properties; they also protect the skin from the bright winter sun.