Our skin does not meet spring in the best shape - in winter we are less likely to be outdoors, because in winter the air is icy, and walks are not always a joy. And if we walk in the cold, then this is also not good for the skin of the face. In addition, we get less suns, less traffic, and besides, food is often not the best in winter, not everyone can afford to regularly buy fresh fruits and vegetables. As a rule, in winter, many of us eat more sweet and fatty foods, and much less fresh vegetables and fruits, as a result of which immunity decreases. Therefore, when early spring comes, the skin becomes especially vulnerable and sensitive. It's kind of stressful for her.
Under stress, it is difficult for the skin to function smoothly, and the consequences are immediate. The skin serves as a barrier and has protective functions for our body. On the one hand, it prevents potentially harmful elements from entering the body, and on the other hand, it removes processed substances from it, which are usually called toxins. This is a perfect mechanism, but it also has its own resource.
In winter, the rate of skin renewal slows down, it becomes dull and sluggish. Plus vitamin deficiency, plus a lack of movement, which means possible difficulties with blood circulation. The skin is waiting for a course of regeneration, which will allow it to find a new breath. However, before that, it is good for her to take a short break for rest, so that she can get rid of all that is superfluous. By freeing our skin from the impurities that have accumulated in it over the winter, we help it gently awaken the natural mechanisms of renewal to meet the spring-summer season.
Spring skin care - cleansing
Under the influence of all of the above, during the winter the skin accumulates toxins, and it is necessary to get rid of them faster. Toxins that accumulate directly in the skin are formed under the influence of aggressive environmental factors or negative internal processes - for example, the body's reaction to stress or unbalanced nutrition, urban air pollution, smoking and alcohol, as well as lack of sleep, all this creates conditions for skin intoxication ... Skin cells become vulnerable, cellular immunity decreases, and as a result, metabolic processes in the skin are disrupted, it cannot fully remove metabolic products, and instead accumulates harmful substances.
How can you help the skin get rid of toxins and create such conditions under which the skin can independently perform its functions in order to find truly spring freshness? One of the most effective cleansing practices is a bath or sauna, where the pores open up, together with the profuse sweat, toxins leave the body. The blood rushes to the face, brings oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells. And together with the massage and those exfoliating procedures that traditionally accompany a session in the steam room, the skin is freed of dead cells and begins to breathe.
Cleansing masks with natural absorbent ingredients (for example, clay - blue, pink, green) also help the skin get rid of toxins, renew and smooth its surface. Soft gommages act in a similar way.
The release of dead cells not only returns the skin to a healthy, fresh look, but also speeds up the process of its renewal. Only when visiting the sauna, do not overdo it, excessively diligent and deep cleansing can harm - make the skin dry and dehydrated, break its protective barrier. It is better to remove a few dead cells daily than a lot - but once a month. It is also important to consider that skin cleansing cannot be complete if you only care about the outer side of cleansing, while forgetting about complete cleansing of the body.
It's a good habit to start your day with a glass of warm water with a little fresh lemon juice. This drink activates digestion, which means it helps to remove toxins from the body. And besides, it provides the body with a portion of antioxidants, which are very much needed in early spring.
To obtain a more tangible effect, you can carry out a serious cleansing of the body. There are a great many recipes on this score, but many of them are unreal or dangerous, some must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, so I am citing here only one reliable method that I have been able to test on myself. This method of cleansing and rejuvenating the body has a beneficial effect on health in general, and, importantly, it has the effect of skin rejuvenation.
Herbal anti-aging recipe:
Immortelle - 100g
Birch buds - 100g
Chamomile - 100g
St. John's wort - 100g
These herbs can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. Mix everything and put in a jar. Store with the lid closed. In the evening, take 1 tablespoon of the collection, pour 1/2 liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain through a strainer, squeeze slightly. Drink 1 glass of infusion warm, dissolving 1 teaspoon of honey in it beforehand. After that, you can neither eat nor drink. In the morning, warm up the remaining infusion, also dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in it and drink it on an empty stomach. Have breakfast at least 30 minutes after the meal. The course of treatment is until the entire prepared collection is used.
Thanks to herbs, the whole body is cleansed, primarily skin rejuvenation. In addition, general well-being improves, metabolism increases, the body is cleared of fat and cholesterol deposits, dizziness disappears, and vision is restored.
After completing the course of body rejuvenation, you can repeat it after 3 years or even 5 years. This is a really effective recipe, tested on myself. I guarantee you that if you follow everything strictly according to the instructions, you will achieve significant positive results.
In addition to sauna and herbal cleansing, an important aspect of skin health is physical activity, namely running, fitness. I understand that not everyone can run, we live in big cities, but fitness is available to everyone, since it is not at all necessary to visit the gym. It is enough to introduce into the habit of doing fitness every morning, immediately after waking up.
Proper skin care in spring - massage
Another effective procedure for cleansing and caring for the skin in spring is lymphatic drainage massage. It activates the lymph flow, and with it - accelerates the cleansing of skin cells from toxic decay products and improves immunity. The skin receives more oxygen and gets rid of edema, which leads to stagnation of lymphatic fluid in the tissues.
The secret of lymphatic drainage massage is simple - short, sliding pressure - first along the lateral surfaces of the neck, then behind the ears, around the eyes (special attention to their inner corners), in the center of the eyebrows and, finally, on the temples. Each pressure must be repeated three times with the pads of the thumb and forefinger. Our body perceives such a rhythm as the breathing of the surf, and remembers it, thanks to this massage soothes the nervous system and has a cumulative effect. The delicate lymphatic vessels are shallow, so lymphatic drainage massage can be quite light.
Clinique Rejuvenating Serum
In addition to sauna, massage and body cleansing, it should be taken into account that proper skin care in spring includes the moderate use of light caring cosmetics. For the duration of cleansing, give up nourishing creams, use serums.
That's all, following these simple rules will help your skin glow with cleanliness and health for years to come!