Hair care

Dyeing and dyeing gray hair

Every year, science and technology are moving forward, thereby promising us a longer and more comfortable life, but at the same time, the requirements for a modern person are increasing. A resident of a big city has many responsibilities since childhood, and entering adulthood, she must constantly strive to do everything, as a result of which life becomes very stressful and is reflected on her face and hair.

Have you noticed that you don't see so often a girl or woman with gorgeous hair, problematic hair is more common, gray hair already appears by the age of 30, and some have gray hair even at 20-25! What to do, what to do, after all, gray hair is one of the most striking signs of aging!

Leave everything as it is, guided by the principle - let everything be natural? Not everyone likes gray hair, and not everyone wants to see it on their head. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of gray hair. Today offers to deal with the most traditional method of struggle - hair coloring.

If you've tried dyeing gray hair, you probably know that you don't always get great results. One paint is suitable for someone, for someone else, because our hair is different, but in any case, there are general principles that should be followed when choosing a paint!

Dyeing and dyeing gray hair

Dye for dyeing gray hair

To paint over gray hair, you will have to choose persistent cream paints with a high degree of durability. The active components of such paints provide deep penetration of the coloring pigment into the hair structure, which allows you to get a lasting color and paint over gray hair. Persistent dyes are not washed off, but they require dyeing of growing hair every four weeks, because every month our hair grows back by about 10 millimeters.

When choosing a shade of paint, give preference to not too contrasting options, so the gray hair roots will not be too noticeable during regrowth. The black, dark chestnut shade of the paint looks very contrasting against the background of gray roots. Medium brown and various light brown shades, the best option for women with gray hair.

Permanent hair colors contain hydrogen peroxide plus ammonia (or amines) and pigments. When dyeing gray hair, the components mix and turn into a water-insoluble substance, due to which the dyes are synthesized directly into the hair and are fixed there seriously and for a long time.

After dyeing, you need to use an acidic balm, it is required in order to reliably close the hair scales and thereby preserve the updated color even longer. As a result, we get a long-lasting saturated color that reliably hides gray hair.

When painting, take into account the holding time indicated on the paint, it is not necessary to hold the paint longer, but less is also undesirable, because the paint molecules are synthesized in several stages. If you wash off the paint earlier, it will not have time to fully cure, and you may get an unsatisfactory result, which can be expressed in unwanted shades or the paint will not adhere well.

dyeing gray hair at home

If your gray hair spreads unevenly, and in certain places, it is with them that you need to start coloring the hair, then paint other parts of the head and finally paint over the areas where there is the most gray hair.

When gray roots grow, touch-up is required.

Dyeing gray hair with permanent dye is one of the most reliable methods, but such dyes do not make our hair stronger and healthier, and therefore, in parallel with this, you need to understand your lifestyle. There have been cases when a person changed his lifestyle and his hair gradually returned to its original color.

Someone believes in this, many consider it a fairy tale, but I personally know examples when the daily routine, fitness, proper nutrition and vitamins changed a person's appearance for the better and returned the original color. True, this is a long story, and therefore will explain its essence in subsequent publications.

Note - if you regularly make hair masks, for example, based on oils, it may be more difficult to color your hair, since some oils make the hair less permeable, even for the most resistant colors. Therefore, you will have to choose a paint by trying and experimenting.

dyeing gray hair at home
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