Fashion world

Fashionable leather bags and vegetarianism

Most girls want to have Chanel Boy, Hermes Birkin, Lady Dior bags, for some these bags are a coveted dream, someone has them in several versions, and most buy copies of bags made by our Asian friends.

At the same time, the girls of the owner of the original leather Chanel Boy bags, Hermes BirkinLady Dior are very proud of their handbags, because this accessory gives confidence and creates an aura of success.

Other girls are often jealous of the owners of expensive original bags. But not all of them are like that, now every day the movement for the protection of animals is gaining strength, and its followers and sympathizers profess the principles of careful treatment of nature, which is manifested in the rejection of natural fur and leather goods.

Overall, this is a good idea, but its implementation is useless.

Let's see what conservationists are actually doing? First of all, they give up natural fur, it's actually easy, because there are a lot of cheap synthetic alternatives around. Next comes the rejection of leather goods, it is a little more difficult here, because the most beautiful and high-quality shoes are mainly made of leather. Only this is not an obstacle, now few people have good taste, and therefore they just switch to other shoes - sneakers and sneakers made of textiles, leatherette and synthetics.

Chanel Boy bags

Some go even further, become vegetarians - they refuse meat, poultry, fish, eggs. Someone even refuses milk, believing that milking cows and goats is cruelty to animals.

Having established themselves in their views, animal defenders begin to be proud of themselves and their way of life, considering themselves higher than those bad people who eat sausages and carry leather handbags.

Conclusions: from what they left, they came to that. Initially, we were proud of bags and other material objects, and now we put ourselves above others due to our principles and lifestyle.

The situation is very funny and ridiculous, and as you can see, everything is based on fashion. Some people perceive traditional fashion in the form of clothes and accessories, while others, considering themselves to be more highly organized and cultural individuals, give up a lot and are proud of their way of life. Although in fact it is strange to be proud of vegetarianism and refusal to buy products from fur and leather.

Refusal from meat is not an achievement of anything, because it is much easier to reduce your consumption, reduce living space, give up both than to afford to buy an expensive bag and generally achieve heights in life. Therefore, vegetarianism and the rejection of fur often becomes a lifesaver for all sorts of dissatisfied losers who begin to imagine themselves as the most conscious and cultural part of society.

Chanel Boy bags

Why unnecessary restrictions? Sheep and calves raised in Turkey and other countries were raised exclusively for sale, they will be used up in any case, whether you eat meat or not. In Asia and the East, there are a lot of people who are not going to give up anything, they are ready to achieve their goals by any means and therefore the future belongs to them, and not to weak people who are proud that they give up one thing or another.

This is how fashion can influence people's minds and control their desires and lifestyle. It is difficult for vegetarians to admit, but in fact, their hobby is just a tribute to fashion, just like the hobby for spiritualistic séances, esotericism and many others.

You can talk about the benefits of vegetarianism for hours, but just look at the statistics, where you can clearly see that there are many long-livers around, living in the Caucasus, Japan, the USA and many other places who do not refuse traditional food approved by all real religions.

There is no need to argue about the benefits of high-quality bags made of genuine leather - any smart girl knows high-quality leather bag will last much longer. If you buy a couple of dozen leather bags, they will last a lifetime.

Hermes Birkin Leather Bag
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