If you want to look in a vintage style, get your grandmother's dresses from the 60s, 70s out of old wardrobes, or maybe there are still older things left? Vintage clothing includes items that were made in the 20s, 30s, etc. until the 80s. Before the 20s, this is already antiques.
Clothes that were once made by the best craftsmen of that era can be very interesting and unique. Of course, most things lie in chests on the principle that they are made of fine fabric, which is not so easy to get nowadays. There were such fabrics called "Boston", gabardine, muslin, cashmere and many others. Why were there? You can still find them, but keep in mind that those fabrics were natural, so grandmothers keep them and cherish them. I remember how one of them told me that her granddaughter decided to sew a blouse from a silk dress from the 60th year, and, moreover, the silk was really extraordinary beauty. But the blouse failed, and the grandmother was very upset that her savings were so mercilessly treated. I felt very sorry for her. Indeed, one must not forget that each dress has its own story, grandmother's memories, and one must be able to appreciate this. Vintage clothing is clothing that used to be very fashionable in its era.
If you find such a vintage item, do not rush to deal with it. Try to find out more about it - about when the item was purchased, what accessories are best for it, what kind of shoes. It is important to learn everything about that era in order to enter the image. Perhaps even makeup and hair will help with this. You will look both original and unique - after all, no one else will find or wear such a thing. You and only you. Therefore, highlight your personality. But in everything you need to know when to stop to look amazing. Don't try to put on things from different eras. Pay attention to every detail, as the smallest of them can change everything for the better and for the worse. Imagine the variety of styles you can discover! Try and you can remind someone of Marilyn Monroe, or maybe Twiggy, or Grace Kelly, or Audrey Hepburn.
Bring back the fashion of the 50s or 60s in your look. Look at yourself in the mirror, it will tell you which images and which decade are more suitable for you.
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