Hats sometimes complete the image, and sometimes change its mood. The hat is capable of many things - it can protect you, straighten your shoulders, raise your head. You can be admired with a hat, they give you personality.
"In my opinion, the woman in the hat cannot be forgotten." - Sophia Loren... But the main thing is that you wear them with confidence. And this is especially true for men's hats, which are very popular today.
All variants of men's hats are good, and they are equally good with a suit and with a simple dress.
For example, Fedor's hat. This hat is usually made of soft felt and tied once with a ribbon. There are three dents on the crown. The fields are so soft that they can be raised and lowered and thus reshaped. Fedora first appeared in the late 80s of the 19th century, and got its name from the popular operetta in those years. For some time, following the example of Sarah Bernhardt, women began to wear a hat, but somehow interest in it then quickly faded away.
The hat became popular among men at the beginning of the twentieth century, and this is due to the Hollywood films of the 40s, in which these hats were especially fond of both private detectives and criminals. There was a gangster style. The Great Depression provoked crime, the era of gangsters began, who, especially in films, looked like elegant men in suits and strict hats.
In reality, many men wore a hat. This hat required observance of the rules of etiquette. For example, when a gentleman, seeing a lady, wanted to show her respect, he raised his hat above his head with three fingers, while his fingers were to be in one of the “hollows” on the crown. Usually, the hat was worn, wringing the brim up, in front, it was lowered low over the eyes.
In the 60s, the hat went out of fashion for a long time. And only in the 80s they remembered about her, not only male models appeared, but also female ones. Then the popularity of the hat increased thanks to the films about Indiana Jones.
Today Fedor's hat is more popular with women than ever. And fedoras are made not only from felt, but also from leather, tweed, suede, straw. And John Galliano in his latest collection for Christian dior offered a hat made of rich velvet colors. Over the past ten years, Fedor's hat has been regularly shown in the collections of various brands. Therefore, if the warm season comes, choose a straw fedora, if the cool autumn one - from tweed.
Fedora will suit both loose long hair and short hair. What does Fedora go well with? The best option is classic. This is a coat that can be long or short, as well as a trench coat or three-piece suit. The hat goes well with a shirt and jacket, with a thin tight-fitting jumper. As for the lower part of the clothes - various options are good here - and a short skirt, and tight trousers, and even shorts. High heels with the whole outfit will add expressiveness and femininity.
There is another men's hat that is popular with women. This is a trilby hat.
Trilby is the heroine of the novel by George Du Maurier, who has nothing to do with this hat. The hat, however, became very popular after the release of the film of the same name, not only among the bohemians and aristocracy, but also among middle-class men.
A trilby hat is often confused with a fedora, as it also has elegant dents on the top and sides. Thanks to its shape, it suits many. In addition, the hat fits snugly on the head and does not allow the wind to carry it away, which is why trilby can often be seen at English races.
It is this hat, along with Fedora, that creates a unique style. Many designers recommend it. Modern trilby can be not only felt, but also straw, and shades - not only brown. The hat can be worn with jeans, a skirt, and even beach shorts.It can be said that a hat is very adapted not only to a variety of sets, but also to images.