Fashionable accessories

Tyrolean hunting hat

Tyrolean hat, otherwise it is called Bavarian, or also, Jaeger. Throughout the world, Tyrolean clothing is reputed to be the embodiment of their distinctive character. Tyrolean people take great care of their traditions. Perhaps this attitude is connected not only with the character of the people who inhabit one of the most beautiful corners of the planet, but also with its history ...

Tyrolean or Bavarian hat - no difference. After all, Bavaria and Tyrol during the formation of the nationality were a single state, they still have the same language. But by the will of fate and various historical events, Bavaria ended up in Germany, and Tyrol, first in Austria, and then after First world war - some in Austria and some in Italy.

Tyrolean hat in women's wardrobe

The Tyrolean hat is a hat with a narrow brim and a high crown, on which a soft fold is always present. The base of the brim is framed with a twisted cord. The Tyrolean hat is decorated with a tassel or long feather, which is usually located on the side. The front of the brim of the hat is slightly lowered, and the back is slightly raised. The Tyrolean hat was originally green.

Where did this headdress first appear? And this can be seen already from the name of the hat - in Tyrol, in the Austrian Alps. This hat was worn by the soldiers of the defensive units. The hat conveys to us the historical spirit of the Alpine valleys and is part of the national costume. However, at the same time, these hats began to be worn in Bavaria, so another name for the headdress appeared - the Bavarian hat.

Tyrolean hat in women's wardrobe

A little later, the hat was also liked by Hungary... Here it was put on by representatives of the gendarmerie and cavalry regiments, as well as army field rangers. That's where the third name comes from. A feather in a hat is an adornment that has become significant for the gamekeepers. And the hat became the main element of the hunter's ammunition.

And since many people fell in love with the hat, and it spread throughout Europe quickly, they began to decorate it to distinguish it in different ways: some - with one or another icon to indicate their status, who changed the color of the lace and the hat itself. For example, the lower ranks adorned the hat with a green cord, warrant officers - with yellow, and the officer - with a gold thread.

To this day, this hat is worn in Austria and Germany. And whoever manages to visit Tyrol or Bavaria must bring a Tyrolean hat as a souvenir. But recently it has been remembered not only as a tourist symbol. Many designers include the hat in their collections, and many celebrities use it as a headdress.

Tyrolean hat for women

Tyrolean hat in women's wardrobe

But what about women? And women literally hunt for items of men's wardrobe. And the hat turned out, among other things, from the ammunition of the hunters themselves - the gamekeepers.

Tyrolean hat suits many styles. He especially loves hats, not excluding Tyrolean hats, style boho chic.

The Tyrolean costume is elegant and tasteful, it is comfortable and does not restrict movement, which is why many Tyrolean clothing items last so long. Also important is the careful attitude of people to their traditions, their memory of the history of their country and people.

Tyrolean hat for women
Tyrolean hat for women
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