
How to dress stylishly and chic

The word chic [fr. chic] means ostentatious luxury, panache. However, things are not so simple. It is assumed that the word came to French from German. From the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language by T.F. Efremova we read - Shik is:

1) Something that is an indicator of special sophistication, the highest merits (in the manner of carrying, dressing, etc.).

2) Showy luxury, splendor, panache (with a desire to impress others). The word was borrowed in Russian at the beginning of the 19th century. from French. In modern Russian, the word "chic" most often denotes ostentatious luxury designed for a strong effect. From the word "chic" comes the words - chic, chic.

What you need to know about the most chic fashion looks

It is believed that the word "chic" in French was originally used more often among artists and meant the highest level of skill, good taste. As the years passed, the word "chic" was gradually filled with a new meaning. At the beginning of the twentieth century, this word began to denote ostentatious luxury, which is not so compatible with a fine artistic taste. At this time, the word becomes fashionable and means not only appearance - dress, makeup, hairstyle, but also demeanor.

How to dress stylishly and chic

Chic fashion looks

In fashion, such an appearance is considered chic when all the details of the costume are selected with great care, everything looks perfect and harmony, when nothing can be added or taken away to the created image. And at the same time, a person feels complete satisfaction in himself. In his image, everything is in harmony: makeup, hairstyle, suit, shoes, accessories, behavior, which together create integrity and indissolubility. This will be "chic".

Each style can have “chic” in its name. For example, French chic, bohemian chic, hippie chic, sport chic, etc. The style in which there is the complementary word "chic" is characterized by such features as a combination of many different and, at first glance, completely incompatible colors, fabrics, textures, prints, catchy accessories.

French chic - it harmoniously combines classics, femininity and the latest fashion trends. It emphasizes elegance and sophistication. Women who adhere to this style choose from the latest fashion trends exactly those that really suit the face, figure.

You will be dressed in French chic if your basic items are truly classic and of high quality. All things should be harmoniously combined with each other. In your wardrobe, first of all, should be present pencil skirt, feminine blouse, classic suit, little black dress.

Classic style accessories are an important part of the wardrobe, they should be the most relevant and bright. These are all kinds of hats, scarves, handbags, gloves, shoes and exquisite jewelry.

In the classics, ease and sophistication should prevail. Therefore, make-up, manicure, and hairstyle must be extremely neat and natural. Well-groomed should come from the whole appearance. An image in French chic will be complete if a woman, not possessing dazzling beauty, can cause sincere admiration in those around her, if she is able to conquer everyone with her charm and impeccable taste.

Bohemian style
Bohemian style

Bohemian style or boho chic. Bohemian style prefers a variety of seemingly incompatible colors, patterns, fabrics, bright accessories. In this style, for creative imagination, there is a place to roam. The image of the bohemian style emphasizes brightness, ethnic motives, long skirts, expensive accessories - bracelets, necklaces, belts, bags, shoes and other jewelry.

Hippie chic... In this style, you will look chic if you opt for clothes in which the motives of peoples of different nationalities are clearly manifested, especially Indian and Oriental. Skillful use of vintage classics is essential in this style. The image will be really chic if outwardly bright and unusual clothes are an integral part of the inner consciousness, in which the flight of fantasy is combined with the independence of judgment.

Sport chic

Sport chic... An image in a sporty style will be chic if it is dominated by luxurious and at the same time practical things. In the wardrobe of a girl who loves travel, ski resorts or motor sports, there must certainly be sporty items. But in order to appear luxurious, practical and energetic, they must be of high quality.

And so, chic in the modern sense is a luxury that allows you to impress others, arouse interest in yourself and admiration. But before you dress in a particular style with chic, you need to answer the question - is your image only in the outer side or expresses your mood and your entire inner being?

How to dress stylishly and chic
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