The most important rule of everyday makeup is that makeup should be invisible. That is, it must be and at the same time not be. Like Schrödinger's cat, which seems to be alive and dead at the same time.
Everyday makeup is the makeup we wear during the day to work. Accordingly, it should be soft and not defiant, not attracting attention to itself and appropriate for office everyday life.
Everyday make-up is made light - only slightly tinted eyes and lips.
But, as with any other makeup, before applying everyday makeup, the skin of the face should be prepared for it, correcting all the imperfections.
So, preparing the skin for makeup:
1) Cleanse the skin - with milk, lotion, gel or foam.
2) Moisturize your face with special moisturizers.
3) For light daily makeup, no makeup base is applied. Just as it is not necessary to perform light-shadow correction of the face oval, it is enough just to work out the cheekbones area. So, the cheekbones become darker, and the cheekbone area under the eyes is lighter.
Facial contour correction can be dry and oily. Oily correction is carried out using tonal means, dry - powder.
4) With a pencil or shadows, outline the line of the eyebrows, and also comb them with a special brush.
The first variant of everyday makeup is “expressive naturalness”.
Sequence of execution:
1) Light beige shades are applied to the upper movable eyelid and to the lower eyelid.
2) Then, with the help of brown eyeliner, arrows are drawn on the upper eyelid of the eye, which thicken from the inner corner of the eye to the upper one.
3) Eyelashes are painted over with dark mascara.
4) Lipstick is applied to the lips in natural soft shades.
5) And the final touch for this makeup is pink blush, which gives the face a fresh look.
By the way, this makeup will look very good for blondes.
The second option is “light everyday”.
Sequence of execution:
1) On the upper eyelid, on the entire upper eyelid, apply shadows of a soft, delicate pink shade and shade them. So that the color of the shadows is most saturated at the eyelashes and lightens towards the eyebrows.
2) Apply the same shade, pale pink hue, to the lower eyelid.
3) Make arrows on the upper eyelid with black eyeliner. So that they thicken from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.
4) Cover the eyelashes with black ink.
5) For lips, use a gloss of a natural shade.
6) And, of course, add a little blush, with a slight movement of the brush, in order to emphasize the natural blush.