Let's look at what tonics we need today. First of all - what we mean by the word "tonic". Toners are solutions or lotions designed to remove dead cells, residual fat, soap, etc. from the surface of the skin.
You probably noticed when you wipe the skin with a cotton disc moistened with tonic, the skin, as it were, revives, becomes fresher. Toners create an invigorating sensation of freshness, which is why everyone loves them. Today known tonics astringent, refreshing, brightening, rejuvenating, moisturizing, mist for the face, flower water.
Most tonics are alcohol-based solutions, which, in addition to alcohol, contain oil products, artificial colors and flavors, they also contain a small drop of glycerin. Some people use these tonics to tighten their pores. However, tonics cannot shrink pores. It is not so easy to change the pore size, because the skin is a complex organ, with its own functions and processes, and simply wiping it with a cotton pad will not change it.
Pore size is to some extent hereditary, and to some extent the result of exposure to sunlight or excessive use of makeup, as well as poor quality skin care, especially when it comes to cleansing. So what do alcohol-based toners do if they don't tighten pores. They irritate the skin, when rubbed with a tonic, the skin swells a little, which makes the pores look smaller. But as soon as the alcohol evaporates, the pore size is restored, but irritation and dryness remain.
Alcohol tonics do not dry out pimples and do not reduce the oily skin. With fat content, it can turn out to be just the opposite - since fat is removed from the skin at some point, the skin perceives this as a signal for further sebum production.
Astringents should be used carefully, they have a high alcohol content, antiseptic components, essential oils are present. In order not to dry the skin, these products are best applied to problem areas of the skin. It must be remembered that alcohol products can severely dry out the skin, and lead it to premature aging. If you do double cleansing, about which mystyle.decorexpro.com/en/ already wrote, then you do not need to use the tonic.
But there are tonics that refresh, nourish, soothe the skin. Many of these delicate toners also act as moisturizers. In the evening, when you cleanse your skin with, for example, a rich oily cleanser that removes makeup well, wipe it off after the cleaner with this delicate toner. And you may not need a moisturizer. These tonics are good to take with you to the gym or on air travel.
Some tonics act as a fairly effective mask. You can use them when taking a bath - apply a gauze pad moistened with a moisturizing or cleansing toner on your face for a few minutes.
Refreshing tonics contain a small percentage of alcohol, it is better to use such tonics in the warm season, when many people, even those with dry skin, have oily skin.
The most common way to apply toner is with a cotton pad, and the most economical way is with a spray bottle.
If you decide to include a toner in your skin care regimen, then pick it with a good composition so that the product soothes, moisturizes the skin, removes dead cells, brightens or fights acne, and of course slows down aging.