Cosmetics and makeup

Homemade tonic recipes

Some girls, especially women who have already noticed the first signs of aging on their face, are in a hurry to find miraculous remedies from the best cosmetic companies to turn back the clock. Many such companies promise us natural ingredients in their products, we trust and buy.

However, it is a shame that our hopes are not justified, and not because the cosmetic company is deceiving us - not at all. Well-known firms can be trusted, just what helps your girlfriend may not help you, and sometimes even do harm. After all, many people know such a terrible word - allergy. Moreover, the best cosmetics are very expensive. For these and many other reasons, you should think about homemade cosmetics.

Now we'll talk about homemade tonics.
Homemade tonic can be a wonderful holiday gift for your loved ones.

Homemade tonic recipes

How to make a tonic at home?

First, you will need a glass spray bottle, which you can buy at specialized online stores. Secondly, you should buy a bottle of mineral water with a high magnesium content, you can also use spring water.

Next, we will take care of the ingredients that will fulfill the needs of our skin, perhaps moisturizing or exfoliating, removing spots or soothing. Depending on this, choose the recipe that suits you best. As you will notice, various essential oils are used as ingredients.

Bottle for tonic or perfume

Moisturizing toner

120g of mineral water, which can be additionally purified (passed through a filter)
2 drops of carrot seed oil
1 drop of chamomile oil
1 drop of sandalwood oil

The tonic has excellent moisturizing properties, has a long shelf life... They can also refresh your hair. Its preparation is quite simple - pour mineral water into a bottle and add all the ingredients. The tonic is ready. Apply as needed.

Exfoliating & Astringent Toner

15 grams organic apple cider vinegar
120 grams of mineral water
5 aspirin tablets (uncoated)

Apple cider vinegar removes signs of acne, while aspirin (salicylic acid) acts as an astringent and exfoliator.

Tonic preparation - Dissolve 1 part vinegar in 8 parts water. Crush aspirin tablets and add the resulting powder to a mixture of water and vinegar. Since the toner has a powerful exfoliating effect, try to treat only those areas of your face where acne or enlarged pores appear.

Homemade tonics

Green tea tonic

3 bags of green tea
5 drops of tea tree oil
2 drops of geranium oil
1 mg green tea extract
1mg acai berry extract
1 drop of eucalyptus oil

The tonic removes blemishes. Acai berries are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, and they contain many times more antioxidants than red grapes.

Brew a stronger green tea (within 10 minutes). Let the tea cool, but with the container closed, so that the steam does not escape. Thus, you will keep the beneficial volatile substances in solution. Take out the tea bags and add oils and extracts to it. You can store it in the refrigerator for a month, but without freezing.

Green tea tonic

Soothing tonic

120g purified mineral water
5 drops of rosehip seed oil
5 drops of carrot seed oil
2 tsp dried black elderberry flowers
2 tsp dried chamomile flowers
1 tsp vegetable glycerin
1 tsp dried calendula flowers
1/2 tsp dried lavender flowers

Preparation of tonic - bring water to a boil, add elderflower flowers to it and cool prepared solution. Add remaining ingredients, cover and leave for 6 to 8 hours.Then pass the mixture through a coffee filter. Now you can use.

If your skin has been attacked by the sun and wind, then this tonic is for you.

And here are some recipes for the simplest preparation.

Rose petal lotion
Cleans, tones the skin, increases its protective functions. Place dry rose petals tightly in a jar and pour over vinegar so that the liquid covers the petals. Usually 0.5 liters of vinegar is enough for 4 cups of petals. Close the lid tightly and leave for 3 days. Then strain the infusion and dilute with an equal amount of boiled water. The lotion is ready. Wipe your face 2 times a day.

Lemon Lotion
What could be better than citrus freshness? And making lemon lotion is easy. Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water, you can additionally filter if pulp or seeds get in. Pour into a bottle and you can use it. Shake the bottle each time. You can wipe your face with a cotton pad moistened with lotion, or you can spray it with a spray bottle. Lemon water gradually lightens acne and age spots.

Chamomile tea
Brew chamomile tea - 1 tsp in a glass of boiling water, cool until warm and wipe your face. Chamomile tea cleans pores well and soothes the skin.

Green tea
The regular green tea we drink is a great tonic rich in antioxidants. It soothes inflammation and reduces swelling. It can be used in a spray bottle.

You can create tonic recipes yourself using mineral water and your favorite natural juice. Only in this case, you should know exactly what your skin needs, and you should also not do too much tonic, because you use natural products, and they can quickly deteriorate.

Homemade tonic recipes
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