Beautiful dresses

Arabic abaya dress

Regular readers of know my craving for spirituality and, accordingly, for religions. I profess one religion, but I respect all religious views, with the exception of the ideas of destructive sects. Therefore returns again and again to the outfits of Islamic women.

Today we will look at various images of women in arabic abaya dress.

There is an opinion that the Arab countries only recently began to swim in luxury, when they got oil, and before that they always lived in poverty and did not even think about beautiful dresses and other outfits. In fact, this is not true. The Arab world has always loved luxury. Let us recall the times of the Crusades, when the European knights were engaged in plundering the eastern cities. The knights took out a lot of wealth and luxurious fabrics, thanks to which European women began to dress much more elegantly.

Several centuries later, science and technology began to develop rapidly in Europe, and then in the United States, thanks to which the Western world began to accumulate all the riches of the world, extracting all the resources and values ​​from its colonies, thanks to which it was possible to create the so-called European way of life and the American dream.

In the 20th century, oil has become a source of energy and wealth. This became happiness and a key to a bright future for some countries of the East. Oil production began in the Arab countries, and new cities, with skyscrapers and shopping centers, sprang up in the deserts. And most Arab women were able to wear luxurious outfits again.

Arabic abaya dress

Abaya dress for women practicing islam

Many Muslims have a negative attitude to photography, and even more so to photographs of women. Only wealth never comes alone - along with money, the Internet came to the Arab world, modern technologies and the desire of people to have as much freedom as possible, because the richer you are, the less you want to limit yourself in something, the less you need God.

This is the truth of life - the richer and worldly smarter a person is, the less he needs God, because with the help of money and knowledge you can not only buy a sports car and pleasure, but also turn rivers, build whole islands.

Therefore, we have the opportunity to contemplate many photographs of women professing Islam in luxurious outfits, who themselves upload their photos to social networks and blogs.

Arabic abaya dress

After looking through a lot of photos, you can come to the conclusion that the main color of the abaya dress is black. Why black? In the realities of warm countries, black is not the best color. A black abaya dress will be much hotter than a white dress.

At the same time, Arab men dress mostly in white clothes.

Looking at this color distribution, many express the idea that cruel Arab men deliberately force their women to wear black outfits so that they suffer from the sun.

In reality, everything is different and many historians and simply wise people claim the following ...

In ancient times, in eastern countries, battles often took place between tribes, and most attacks took place at night. In such a situation, a woman wearing a black abaya dress could slip away unnoticed. And the men, dressed in white, were in sight and fought fearlessly.

This is the reason for the black color of abaya dresses.

Arabic abaya dress

A modern abaya dress can be simple, or it can have a luxurious decor, it all depends on the attitude of a woman and her husband to fashion and Islam. Someone adheres to strict rules, choosing the simplest clothes, while others cannot give up luxury. Therefore, the origin of the dresses is different, some women sew abaya on their own, others buy a ready-made dress, and for some the best designers try.

Depending on religiosity and perception of God, abaya dress is worn in different ways.True Muslim women wear abaya with a headscarf or even a niqab. And families where Islam acquires the so-called secular form perceive abaya as just traditional clothing, and then this dress can be worn without a headscarf.

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