There are fewer and fewer natural materials on the streets, various synthetics and imitations can be seen everywhere. This can be explained by poverty, or it can be a respect for nature, care for animals and a clean environment. Besides these two reasons, there is also a third - stupidity.
The limited outlook and shortsightedness of these people are surprising, because it is clear to a reasonable person that rejection of leather and fur products does not at all save the life of animals, and even more so does not protect the nature of our planet from pollution.
If you have a mind, you will easily understand that most animals are raised for the needs of the food industry. Cows, sheep and goats first of all provide milk and meat, and only then the question of dressing and using skins for sewing clothes and accessories is considered.
Even if you do not buy a leather jacket or sheepskin coat, sheep and goats will be consumed anyway. Billions of Earth's inhabitants do not even think to give up meat, and therefore there are people who want to engage in animal husbandry with all the ensuing consequences. In many cases, the skins of cows and even sheep remain unclaimed, and are simply thrown away, because dressing of skins and skin is a complex and difficult process.
Therefore, your refusal from a warm sheepskin coat does not save anyone, the skin of that sheep will simply rot in a ravine, and you will wear the notorious synthetic jacket or down jacket made of chicken feather all winter. And the chickens also did not voluntarily part with their feathers!
Concerning environmental protection. The use of natural materials such as wool, leather and fur is much better for our planet than the production and disposal of synthetics. Therefore, the rejection of fur and leather does not save animals, and even more so does not preserve the purity of the environment.
Conclusions: refusal from leather jackets and sheepskin coats is stupidity that does not bring any benefit to anyone, but only flatters the pride and pride of imaginary animal defenders, because it is so nice to rank yourself among the most cultured part of society.